People with disabilities have had a struggle in the past finding employment. There have not been too many prospects for these workers. However, in the last few years more and more companies have begun to reach out to people with disabilities. There are many places that a person can find disability jobs. There are great free and paid resources to help these workers find great employment for them to gain a successful life.
There are many opportunities that employers gain when they employ disabled workers. The IRS gives employers incentives and tax credits for hiring disabled workers. The federal law requires employers to have reasonable workplaces and accommodations for people with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
What to do to Find the Right Job
The first thing to do when you are looking for a job is to look at your skills. Think about your personality and what you can do. There are a lot of jobs out there that cater to people with disabilities so look for something you feel confident you can do. For example, if you are in a wheelchair there are a plethora of jobs that you can do working from a desk that are entry level.
Look at past employment to find skills that could be great attributes to a new job. Make sure to include your education and any special training that you have done in the past. This will help you to find a job that fits your skills. It will help to keep you from applying to jobs and wasting time on positions that aren’t right for you.
Use this time to make a list of all of the skills you currently have and also make a list of jobs that interest you so that you can find the best fit when applying for different positions.
Where to go for Help
There are many places that you can go to get help with finding jobs. Many of these centers focus on workers who have a disability. There are thousands of American Job Centers across the United States. Each of these centers has a list of jobs available as well as training and counselors to help workers find disability jobs. Another great resource is vocational rehabilitation agencies and state government agencies within every state of the United States. These agencies have counselors and experienced personnel who help disabled workers with free services so that they can gain the skills needed to find good employment. Ability One is a program in the USA that has over 600 centers to help disabled workers with skill training and searching for employment.
Use the Web
In this day and age, the internet is one of the most used resources for job seekers. Most of these sites have many resources for disabled workers looking for employment. The first thing they offer is job openings. Many of these sites also offer training and education programs online that offer diplomas and certificates upon completion. The internet offers job banks and job boards that give workers the ability to search for desired positions. These boards offer positions in the private sector and the public sector as well.
There are many different places that disabled workers can find job openings. Some of these sites that are great to look at include:
- National Resource Directory
- GettingHired.com
- abilityJOBS
- RecruitDisability.org
- DisabledPerson.com
- Think Beyond the Label Jobs Board
- My Next Move
- Business Finder from CareerOneStop’s
- Office of Personnel Management
- Government agencies like FEMA, NASA, Social Security, and more
- Department of Labor Website
Programs for the Military
Military personnel come home with injuries every day of the year. Often, these injuries keep them from reenlisting. Finding a job for a disabled veteran can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. There are resources out there that focus on disabled veterans. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is a place that helps veterans find employment. There are centers in every state that help veterans build their resume and incorporate military skills into everyday job qualifications. There are also job boards with listings for veterans as well.
There are many different places disabled workers can look to find gainful employment. Finding a good position with a disability can be a difficult venture for anyone. Knowing where to look is the first big step in gaining your next position.
No matter what your disability is there is a job out there for you. Don’t get discouraged when you’re applying as it does take time to get hired and hiring processes are different for each company. Use the resources listed above to help find the right position for you. You are sure to get hired in no time.