When it comes to self-confidence, you will want to let yours shine forth. This is often easier said than done, but it can be perfected with practice. Confident people typically earn the trust and respect of those that they speak with far more quickly than individuals who are not that sure of themselves and act in a timid manner. One should not equate shyness with confidence. One can be shy and still be extremely confident. It is about being proud of who you are and the abilities and talents that you can bring to the table. With that in mind, here are five ways that you can improve your self-confidence and land that next gig.
Surround Yourself with Positive People
If you want to be confident in your abilities, then it is important to surround yourself with other individuals who have a positive outlook on life. Negativity will only drag you down. Positive people in your life will inspire you to do great things and to go after what you want in life.
There is such a thing as toxic positivity culture. You don’t want to turn a blind eye to real issues and problems. Ignoring issues doesn’t make them go away. However, do surround yourself with people who believe in your aspirations and encourage you to grow in the direction of your desires.
Attend Uplifting and Positive Thinking Seminars
It is always helpful to attend seminars that help you to increase your self-confidence. Whenever possible, make sure that these have to do with your field and that they encourage you to refine your people skills. This will make you more presentable in the end, and that will go a long way as you seek after new opportunities.
Million Dollar Smile
When you try to get your foot in the door, you will want to flash a big smile and let others know that you are confident in your abilities. Being personable is a skill that takes time and nourishment. You want your work to speak for itself, but you want your coworkers to like you. Especially if you want a leadership or client facing position. Smiling and feeling comfortable as the center of attention is hard if you don’t like to open your mouth when smiling or talking. That is hard to do if you are not that sure about the look of your teeth. Consider dental veneers as a way to whiten your smile and become more confident as you smile.
Raise Your Energy
To be self-confident, you will want to look the part. This means being physically fit and feeling good about your overall health. It is not about shaping your body and trying to look like a model; rather, it is all about eating right and feeling good. If all you eat is take out and vending machine snacks you won’t feel as energized as if you’re eating a balanced diet. Sleeping enough, taking a walk in the morning and trading in a cup of joe for a cold pressed juice are little changes that can have big impact in your energy and how you carry yourself. Lethargy doesn’t read as confidence.
Receive Continuing Education and Training
You should never feel as if you have arrived in your field. Keep going back to receive additional training. These skills will make you more knowledgeable and that, in turn, will make you more confident and presentable in the long run.
These are five tools that are designed to help you increase your self-confidence and become more positive in your personal and professional life. When you start to practice each of these, you will notice results. Others will begin to take notice as well and you will land that next gig.