Teen riding motorcycle
The thought of your child getting behind the wheel of a car is nerve-wracking enough, but what if your teen wants to ride a motorcycle instead?
Although riding a motorcycle offers more freedom than a traditional car, it comes with a lot of danger. To make sure your teen rider remains safe on the road, here are a few tips:
Take a Training Course
About 90 percent of motorcyclists that get into crashes had no training. Motorcycle training courses are highly suggested for teen riders to help them stay safe on the road and reduce the risk of them getting into a motorcycle accident. They can help build basic riding skills ahead of time. It’s also very easy to find the right class. All you have to do is consult your local DMV and get a list of approved courses. Don’t forget to talk to your insurer about a discount for your teen’s insurance for passing an approved motorcycle safety course, and look into motorcycle lawyers in your area so you are prepared in the event of an injury-sustaining crash.
Purchase an Approved and Durable Helmet
Motorcycle riders who don’t wear helmets are 40 percent more likely to suffer from a fatal head injury. There are currently 19 states who have invoked a universal helmet law, so it’s important for teens and parents to be diligent. Before you let your teen hit the road on his or her motorcycle, invest in a DOT-approved helmet. Doing so will prevent the risk of head injury possibly your teen having their license suspended.
Don’t Forget the Other Safety Gear
Seeing as your teen is new to the world of motorcycles, getting used to the new apparel takes some time. Make sure your teen’s arms and legs are fully covered before he or she rides with the wind. A leather coat, heavy denim pants, scratch-proof goggles, over-the-ankle boots and gloves give your teen the proper protection. On a side note, make sure that your teen is wearing reflective clothing so other drivers can see them better.
Do Not Speed
Unfortunately, a lot of teens, despite what they tell their parents, have a bad habit of speeding. Speeding is a huge no-no for any vehicle, especially motorcycles. In fact, about half of single-vehicle crashes are caused by speeding. Regardless of how tempting it may be, always refrain from speeding and go with the legal limit. Talk to your teen and explain how many drivers have difficulty noticing motorcycles and may merge over suddenly and knock the bike over, especially if one suddenly speeds between moving cars.
The Bottom Line
Motorcycles may add to the cool factor. However, they are dangerous if not used correctly. As such, it’s crucial that you also ensure your teen is well-informed on what to do should things go wrong. While the thought of them being involved in an accident in any capacity can be terrifying, their ability to respond quickly to the situation is crucial. For example, you should make it clear that they must immediately contact the relevant authorities and emergency responders right away, even if they feel they are at fault and are worried about getting in trouble.
In addition to this, you should familiarize yourself with the legal processes that follow an accident. For example, if your child is injured due to the negligence of another motorcyclist or driver, then working with an attorney, such as Hilda Sibrian, can help ensure they receive compensation and support. To find out more, or to start reading, click here to visit website.
In short, discussing what to do when things go wrong means your child is better prepared for what lies ahead. Make sure your teen is fully prepared before they ride off into the sunset by following these tips.