Your parents are always to be cherished. This is particularly true as they begin to age. You want to do everything that you can to make their Golden Years as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. At the same time, it is important to plan for the day when their health does begin to noticeably deteriorate. They may be unable to make decisions for themselves at that point. This alone speaks to the importance of having a living will drafted. It is really that important. Continue reading to learn why drafting a living will is a good idea for your elderly parents.
Medical Decisions Need to Be Made
Your parents are probably of sound mind right now. This means that they can make medical decisions on their behalf. That might now always be the case. A living will allows them to make those decisions now. That way, there will be no question as to what their wishes are should that time come. It will also take the burden off your shoulders, as it is ultimately your parent’s decision to make if possible.
Legal Help Should Be Offered
Drafting any legal document can be tricky, particularly if you have no background in such things. Your elderly parents might become particularly confused about what to include in their own living will. This is why you will want to get them legal counsel from wills and estates lawyers to help them in writing their own living will. This way they can ask a lawyer any questions that they might have about the process in confidence. It gives them control over the situation and preserves their own dignity. This is what you will want in the end. This also helps reduce family drama and fighting between siblings who want to take care of their parents and their estate with differences of opinion. This way there is no guessing to what the parents would have wanted.
Power of Attorneys Need to Be Accounted For
It is also important that your parents designate someone that they trust to make important decisions on their behalf should they be unable to do so in the future. A living will helps to accomplish this. By designating a power of attorney in certain situations, they are safeguarding the decision making process now by accounting for events that may or may not happen years down the road.
These are three reasons why drafting a living will is a really good idea for your elderly parents. As their child, you will want to advise them on this course of action. Nobody really wants to think about their end of life decisions, but everyone in the family will feel much better knowing that a living will is in place to help guide the process.