As the seasons change, it’s important to prepare your home. For instance, in anticipation of colder weather, you might need to make sure your fireplace is working properly and free of any possible blockages. On the other hand, when the summer heat is blanketing your home, it’s important to seal any gaps around your doors and windows to keep the heat out. Keep reading to learn more.
Wash and Re-stain Your Decks
During the summer, splintered boards can become much more vulnerable under the piercing summer sun. While the weather is still cool outside, go ahead and wash your desks. The next thing you want to do is to re-stain to extend the life of the wood. Plus, this action will help to ward off decay and insects. Not to mention, the wood will look much nicer and refreshed.
Check Your Pipes and Hoses
Prior to the winter, you want to remove your hoses from the faucet attachments and turn off flowing water outside. In addition, it helps to place a faucet cover on your faucets if freezing weather is on the horizon. The reason you want to do this is to prevent your faucet and/or pipes from bursting. In freezing temperatures, water can freeze, expand and burst the pipes.
Inspect Your Heating/AC System
During the blistering summer months, you want to ensure your home remains cool. In the winter, you want to make sure your heater is in good condition. To illustrate, you want your healing and cooling systems to work as efficiently as when they were first purchased. If you are not technically inclined, then hire a technician to perform an inspection and also test for any carbon-monoxide leakage.
It’s critical to do this before harsh weather conditions. The last thing you want to experience is being the 300th customer in line waiting on a furnace repair when it’s below freezing outside and your heater is out.
Fill Any Gaps in Your Door Frames and Windows
Over time, gaps can form around doors and windows–including the door joints. As a result, cold or hot air can easily seep through these cracks and increase your need for hot or cold air to counter-act the effects. Next thing you know, your electric bill has skyrocketed for the month. To keep your home comfortable, and your electric bill budget-friendly, use a silicone caulk to fill any gaps you find.
Final Thought
As you can see, there are four quick and easy solutions to prepare your home for different seasons. They are all important so, don’t forget to take these measures to ensure a comfortable living environment.