There are a variety of factors that go into a child’s performance at school, but sometimes there may be certain disorders or distractions that could prevent a fruitful experience. However, there are a variety of ways that you as a parent can intervene and help effect positive change. Here are four ways that you can help your child perform better at school.
Follow A Routine
When helping your child’s performance in school, the priority intervention should be to follow a set routine that your child can memorize so that there is a pattern of events that is to be expected. Whether this is in the form of calendars, charts, clocks or others, go through the routine every day with your child. Eventually, with enough repetition, your child should be able to perform certain tasks independently, and that will go a long way in determining how they perform in the classroom.
Eliminate Distractions
In today’s day and age, there are a variety of distractions that primarily come in the form of electronics. However, your smartphone, tablet, laptop or television can prove to be a distraction that can not only inhibit learning but can also increase the symptoms of a child that is suspected to have a learning disability. When doing schoolwork, be sure that all distractions are put out of your child’s line of sight. You can incentivize your child with time with electronics if the required work is completed first.
Create a Quiet Place
Peace and quiet will facilitate a more productive learning environment. This will allow them more time to focus and avoid potential triggers that can pitfall their learning. Also make a quiet place for them to relax, because they may be undergoing forms of stress that they cannot adequately verbalize to you. It is also very important not to use this quiet place as a form of punishment or time-out. If the child suspects that this is a punishment, they may become abrasive when they visit the area once again.
Simplify The Schedule
The last thing you want to do with a child in learning is giving them an abundance of things to either memorize or master. When it comes to scheduling simple and make sure that there is not anything that can be considered too overwhelming. As you see how your child adapts, adjust accordingly. This will also allow you to better understand what your child may need in their schedule specifically. For example, you may need to set a schedule for understanding a child with ADHD to see what works best for them.
Use these methods, and you will be able to facilitate your child’s learning.