Work is a big part of our lives, and unless you win the lottery or inherit a large sum, it’s likely to stay that way for a while. You need a job to cover needs such as food, clothing and a home. The problem is that this necessary part of life is often something people don’t enjoy at all. That was a tough situation to get around in the past when travel was tough and you were restricted to working locally.
Now the world is much more connected, and there are even opportunities to work from home. Sometimes it’s even worth moving away for a better job, as you can now stay in touch with friends/family easily and visiting is always an option. With this shift, more and more people are searching for (and landing) their dream jobs. It might be a particular type of work, or working in a specific location. Whatever you desire, here are 5 strategies to help you along the way.
Be Pro-Active
Dedicate some time to searching for jobs, and I mean ACTUAL time! Don’t sit idling away doing a half-hearted search whilst browsing social media, get deep and dedicate. Getting deep in this process gives you the best chance of finding what’s out there, which means better chances of getting an interview and perhaps a job. Search everywhere, online and in person, to improve your chances.
Use a Targeted, High-Quality Resume
Lots of people use a resume builder to help get a job and it could be a good idea for you too. Whether you use a service or not, create a good resume that gets to the point. Tailor it to the job you’re applying for and highlight the relevant skills, whilst cutting any fluff. Hirers are looking to find the details easily and quickly, as they may have an entire stack of applications to go through.
Take Advantage of Social Media
Social media is a blessing, especially LinkedIn for professionals. Use it to network and make new contacts. Likewise, use other social media to advertise your services and search for openings. You’d be surprised how many people place openings on social media before job sites! Most of us would rather find somebody with a personal reference or friend in common than a complete stranger.
Clean up Your Online Profile
Another point is to clean up your online presence. Anything that’s public could be found by potential employers, so be careful with what you upload. Take some time to do a cleanse if needed, or even create new profiles completely.
Improve Your Interview Skills
Some people concentrate so much on finding jobs and applying that they forget about the interview stage. Then when an interview comes up, they panic!
There’s no need to be drilling this area daily when you haven’t sent many applications off in the first place. The importance of interview skills can’t be overlooked though, so as you get a good flow going with the rest of the process, work on this area too. There are people out there who land plenty of interviews, yet don’t get any further. It’s a vital stage, think of it as closing the deal, so work on it and become a closer!