Choosing a rescue dog is an awesome way to bring a pet into your life and give an animal a new home. And, the affection they show you because of your kindness is hard to put into words. But, dogs only start to demonstrate their appreciation when they are comfortable in their new surroundings. Until then, a pooch might bark, bite, wee and poop all over the place. Not to mention they’ll chew anything in sight into tiny pieces. Obviously, they need training, but can you teach old dogs new tricks? The answer is yes so long as you consider the following.
Assume No Prior Training
The biggest mistake is guessing that the dog is well-trained. Then they get it home and the nightmare begins. Whether you know it has experience or not, it’s always best to start off as you mean to go on. Yep, that means going through the rigmarole all over again until the transition is over. Think of a shelter dog like a new puppy in this respect. If it knows a few things, it will come as a nice surprise. If it doesn’t, just continue like you would with any other new pooch.
Set Bed Boundaries
One of the things that almost every dog owner does is allow the dog to sleep in the bed. Rescues are even more entitled because of their background. Although it sounds harsh, it’s a big error that you should try and avoid. Sleeping in the bed with you will only cause problems for both parties. Dogs that don’t settle will bark toss and turn, and ruin everyone’s sleeping patterns. And, tiredness and dogs just don’t mix. Your best bet is to head to Paw Castle and find a specialized bed. Then, there will be no confusion or lack of sleep.
Enroll In A Class
Training a dog is a skill that the majority people think they are capable of alone. The thing is that it is a specialized skill in a lot of ways. As a result, hiring a professional over attempting it yourself is always going to get results. It’s time to face facts that both you and the dog need expert help. Thankfully, there are dozens of classes that are available. Doggy school is a big deal nowadays, so there is no shortage of people trying to take advantage. All you have to do is pick the right one.
Expect Adjustment
Finally, don’t forget that the transition won’t happen overnight. Like all good things, it comes to those who wait. So, there is no point in getting angry or frustrated if the animal doesn’t pick it up instantly. In the end, your bad mood will only make it harder for everyone involved in the process. It might not be easy, but think before you judge the methods and the dog. Sometimes, pets need a little more time to react to their surroundings.
Rescue dogs take even longer because they usually don’t come from a loving home.