This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Walmart.
There’s nothing worse than changing a loaded diaper, reaching into the baby wipes container and hitting bottom. Out of wipes? It’s crisis time. Or, finally deciding to tackle that laundry and reaching in to the Tide Pods container and finding that to be empty, too. If you’re busy and admittedly scatterbrained like me, you too can #AvoidTheOops by shopping at Walmart for P&G Essentials. I mean, how many times have I walked into Walmart to get baby wipes and walked out with everything but? Save time, money and avoid the loaded diaper crisis with #AvoidTheOops!
I ordered a few items last week and when FedEx pulled up the next day with a package I had no idea what it could be. I wasn’t expecting anything for at least a few days. Sure enough, that box contained more than half of the items in my order and our nearly squeezed to nothing toothpaste tube was quickly replaced with three brand new tubes! Here’s to happy teeth. I was also excited to stock back up on my Tide Pods with Febreeze. I wrote last week about my laundry dilemmas and Downy – literally, I’m cool with generic products for most foods and home-good items but there are some products where I just won’t cut corners, cream cheese and laundry soap top that list. There’s really, truly a difference and the Tide Pods Plus Febreeze leave my clothes smelling absolutely fantastic! Seriously, I love this stuff. And, I c
As you can see, you can #AvoidTheOops across multiple trouble spots in your home. From the kitchen, laundry room, cleaning supply closet, baby’s essentials to products for your bathroom, the #AvoidTheOops selection of P&G products at Walmart.com is chalk full of products at great values and definitely warrants stocking up – plus, no lugging the products in shopping carts, through check out lines, out to the car then into the house. Delivery to your door and having the products you need most on hand? Win, win! I mean, picture it (in my best Sophia voice), you have a trunk full of groceries and a toddler attached to your hip, it can be tough carrying in those large, often bulky items that keep your hands full. Most shoppers don’t realize they have the option of shopping for the same great household essentials at Walmart’s everyday low prices on Walmart.com. And by doing so, they’ll also save time so they can enjoy more of that summer sunshine.
You’ve started a load of laundry only to realize the bottle is empty, reached for a paper towel and found an empty roll—we’ve all been there. And, if you’ve got teenagers lilke I do, they’ve probably used up the last of something and failed to mention it to you. Am I right? Happens far too often around here!
Here’s a quick look at my #AvoidTheOops order:
Stocking up on essentials from P&G can help #AvoidTheOops for everyday living, during impromptu summer events, get-togethers and outings. I mean, let’s be honest, no one likes that sinking feeling when you reach for something only to realize it’s all gone (er, like baby wipes, and yes, this has happened to me!!). Avoid those oops moments by stocking up at Walmart.com and save time and money with your shopping options!
Learn More about #AvoidTheOops
Hashtag: #AvoidTheOops
Website: www.AvoidTheOops.com
Chat with me! Leave me a comment below telling me about an “oops” moment you have experienced. Or, come chat with me on how you #AvoidTheOops on Facebook here!