As a parent, you’re bound to want your kids to get the best possible education. After all, picking up the right skills and qualifications early on will help to expand the range of opportunities open to your youngsters later in life. With this in mind, here are some top tips that should help you to support your children’s learning.
If mainstream schooling isn’t working, explore the alternatives
Mainstream education is often seen as the be all and end all of schooling, but the fact is, classroom learning doesn’t suit all children. For example, the brightest kids can be held back by their peers, while youngsters who struggle to keep pace with the group can quickly fall behind. Some children are badly affected by bullying in schools too, and this can have a disastrous impact on their education. It can also make their lives miserable. If you think any of these scenarios applies to your kids, it may be time to explore alternatives to mainstream schools.
Perhaps homeschooling would be a better option. As long as you’re prepared to put in the time and effort needed to make this work, learning at home may be ideal. Schooling your children in this way means you can create a tailored learning experience that meets their exact needs. To find out more about what’s involved in this process, you can visit the websites of distance learning specialists such as www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/.
Ensure study is structured
Whether you’re teaching your kids yourself or you’re sending them to school, it’s important that you provide them with structure for their home study. For example, lots of parents find it useful to set designated study periods in the evenings when their children can complete any homework or extra learning. Getting into a routine like this should help to ensure that your youngsters keep up with their work and don’t end up rushing assignments or revision.
Give support in the run up to tests
The build up to tests can be a difficult time for kids, so it’s important that you’re on hand to offer plenty of support. From providing them with all the stationery and materials they need to ensuring they have a quiet and comfy place to study, there are lots of things you can do to help. Make sure your fridge is stocked with plenty of healthy snacks to keep your children going during busy revision periods, and offer to run through practice tests with them too.
Provide extra-curricular learning opportunities
It’s easy to obsess over the school curriculum, but bear in mind that children don’t just pick up knowledge and skills in the classroom. You can give your youngsters a big head start in life by making sure they have access to lots of extra-curricular learning opportunities. This can be anything from music, dance or sports lessons to taking family trips to museums and zoos. Discussing books, TV programmes and current affairs with your kids can also help to stimulate their mental development.
Instil the importance of a good education
More generally, it helps to make sure your children have an appreciation of the importance of a good education. Talk about the opportunities that schooling can bring, and the ways in which it can help to increase people’s prospects.
As long as you follow basic principles like these, you can rest assured you’re doing your bit and supporting your kids’ education.