If you are thinking of listing your home for sale anytime in the near future, one thing you may want to think about is ways to make some minor, cost effective changes that will raise the property value. Not only can you make back your investment once the house is sold, but you can enjoy the added functionality in the meantime and the house is apt to sell much quicker with those little ‘tweaks.’ Don’t know where to start? Here are some thoughts you might want to explore.
Automated Controls
One of the biggest selling points, other than structure and location, is how functional a home is. Americans living in the hi-tech world expect everything to be controlled with the touch of a button. However, many don’t know that there are actually automated controls that can even open and shut windows as the temperature or environment calls for it.
What happens if you are at work and have left the windows cracked to let fresh air in and suddenly a storm pops up? Can you realistically leave your job to go home? With automated electronic window controls like you can find in the wide range of Teal products, you never need to worry about that again – and homebuyers will love the technology!
Retrofitting Light Fixtures with LEDs
Another function that homebuyers look for is cost efficiency. Homes that utilise products and gadgets that are energy efficient will sell much quicker than those that eat up huge amounts of electricity. One thing you may wish to consider is retrofitting light fixtures for use with LED lamps. Not only will this save you money in the process with lower electricity bills but you could even show potential buyers the savings you achieved by comparing before and after bills with them. They will be happy to know they will be paying lower rates to light their homes and if you think this doesn’t sell, ask your realtor!
Toxic Gas Sensors
We have all heard about the dangers of radon gas in the ground that has been a recent source of controversy in the news. Many homes were built on lots that weren’t tested for the presence of radon gas and unfortunately, it’s there causing untold numbers of health issues for those dwelling in the home. What about toxic carbon dioxide fumes? With the advent of digital toxic gas sensors, this need never be an issue as they will either beep to warn you or in some instances, can open your windows to air out your home. Have you checked out the automated window controls on the market? When looking at climate control devices, check out the automatic sensors as well.
Biomass Heat for Colder Climates
For homes in colder climates, a huge problem is always going to be paying the high cost of heating in the winter. Have you considered switching to biomass heat? Not only will it reduce your carbon footprint (a big seller in today’s green society) but it is more cost effective as well. With the price of crude constantly on the rise, it is not practical to heat your home with electricity as those prices are directly related to the crude market, but natural gas has gone sky high as well.
Anything you can do to improve functionality and show cost effectiveness in your home will have a significant impact on the price you can list it for. However, remember that many of these functions will save you money while you’re waiting to sell, so it’s well worth the investment.