Regardless of a home’s size, too much clutter will make it feel unwelcoming and disorganized. In many cases, the clutter and excess will make a very clean house feel dirty. While you may not want to give up your favorite decorative items, there are still some smart ways to streamline the look and make your property more attractive. So, if your home is in need of a little Feng Shui magic, take a look of the following tips to help you de-clutter the look and feel of your space.
Start with the Entry
It’s easier to clear out the clutter when you work through one room at a time. You may want to start with the entry because it’s the first space anyone sees upon entering the home. The goal is to reduce the foyer to the items you actually need there. This area is where your home gets its energy nourishment, so cleaning it up will change the energy level throughout the property. Whether you need to install hooks, get a coat rack, or organization tubs, clearing up the entry way will help with the traffic flow of the house.
Remember the Hidden Areas
While you may be tempted to alter what you see, it can be more beneficial to focus on the hidden storage of each room first. Ideally, you want to have a place for everything, with everything in its place. However, you cannot store the items you really need and use if the closets and drawers are filled with items you could easily donate or throw out. When you make the hidden storage areas functional, they will serve their purpose by housing the clutter that might be laying around in the open areas.
Focus on the Positive – Eliminate the Negative
Feng Shui is all about creating the right energy so that you can improve your life, and that includes getting rid of items that don’t bring you joy. Even if something was a gift, you can still let it go if it does not make you happy and add a positive feeling go your home. This includes items that remind you of unhappy times. Whether it is a functional item or décor, you should only keep it if you find it to be beautiful, positive, or useful. Otherwise, it needs to be thrown out or donated.
Take a Picture
You’re so accustomed to your home that you may not notice some of the negative aspects or cluttered area. However, the camera will put a spotlight on the spaces that you’re turning a blind eye to. Take pictures to really notice little irritating things like wires hanging out below your entertainment system or stray hooks in the walls. Take steps to correct these problems and see what a big difference minor changes can make.
Hallways are for Walking
If you have bookcases in hallways or are otherwise turning them into storage zones, it’s time to make a change. Hallways are for walking, and anything that sits on the floor will only make this small space feel cramped. Find other homes for the furniture or do some purging to open up even more space.
Don’t Overdo it on the Wall Decor
There are so many beautiful things in the world to add to your home, and it’s easy to go a little overboard. However, if your wall is filled with pictures and decorative items, then you may be overwhelming the space and stopping the energy flow. As you declutter, remember to look on the walls and turn that critical eye to the old pictures, little signs, and other items that are taking up valuable wall space. A custom home builder in Collingwood suggests that you try to create a focal point on each wall in order to make it interesting, but not leave it feeling too blank. By eliminating some of the clutter on your walls and rearranging the décor so it is focused, the energy in the home will have better “flow” from room to room.
The neatest home can feel dingy and unwelcome when there’s too much stuff in it. Embrace the Feng Shui concept of open space and let go of items that are unnecessary. Start with the foyer, but remember to look at your storage areas, high-traffic spaces, and even the walls to see what else you can let go of to bring valuable space back into your home.