Picky Eater How Moms can Fit More Vitamins into a Family's Diet

As any mom knows, kids can be notoriously picky when it comes to food. Although this is normal, it’s not ideal. Picky eating can result in nutrient deficiencies, which will negatively influence your child’s growth and development. Fortunately, you don’t have to stand by and let your little sprout live on chicken nuggets and candy. Here are some ways that you can fit more vitamins into your family’s diet.

Let Them Help
Kids will be much more likely to eat nutritious foods if they have a hand in the meal. Consider letting your child help out with the grocery shopping and food preparation. At the store, have them browse the produce aisle for a couple of items that interest them, then let them prepare a dish from those foods. Since they selected and cooked it, they’ll want to eat it, and will be more likely to enjoy it.

Just One Bite
Studies have repeatedly shown that children have to sample a disliked food at least eight times for it to be liked. In light of this, consider enforcing a “just one bite” rule. When a disliked food is served, your child has to eat at least one mouthful of it. Eventually, aversion to the food will wear off, and your child will accept it as a regular part of their diet.

Make It Enjoyable
It’s no secret that children love pretending, and you can use this to both your advantage. At first glance, broccoli it just a disgusting, smelly vegetable to most kids. However, who’s to say your child can’t be a dinosaur who likes to eat the little trees? This sort of activity paints and otherwise unfavorable food in a positive and interesting light, making children more likely to eat it without a fuss.

Although whole foods are always the best option for nutrients, they’re not always enough. Many Nature’s Energy supplement experts recommend providing children with a daily multivitamin supplement, or children energy supplement, to ensure they’re getting optimal nutrient levels. These are widely available as gummies, which will help make your child more enthusiastic about taking them.

Be a Role Model
Children tend to emulate their parents’ behavior, and this extends to your relationship with food. If they notice you prefer to eat less nutritious foods over healthier ones, they’re going to think it’s okay for them, too. Try revamping your own diet to include more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and other nutritious foods. You’ll be surprised how quickly your child does the same.

It’s natural for children to be fussy about what they eat, but like most behavior, this can be changed with the right approach. The next time your child refuses to eat something, try employing some of these tips to help them get the nutrition they need.