A Letter From Fred

A Letter From Fred

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my amazing readers! You all keep me motivated, inspired and you challenge me to write more, write better and share often. I am so very thankful for you!

Today, I as I was perusing Facebook I came across a post shared by a friend. I clicked the link and followed it over to Single Dad Laughing by Dan Pearce. The title of his post, “96 Year Old Man Enters a Song-Writing Contest and Makes the World Cry” was accurate. I clicked to watch the video and was in full on tears within the first 30 seconds… but, this is a must watch video!!

Fred Stobaugh was with his beautiful wife, Lorraine, for 75 years. They dated for two years and were married for 73 more. Then, Fred lost Lorraine a month before Green Shoe Studio advertised a singer/songwriter contest. Fred did something a little different. The 96 year old man wrote a letter and stuffed it into a manilla envelope along with the song he wrote shortly after losing the love of his life. Fred wrote on the envelope, “PS, I don’t sing it would scare people, haha!” You may not use your voice to sing Fred, but I’m pretty sure your words are the sweetest of songs! 

Watch the Official Documentary below and click one of the links to download the song to support Fred. Fred, you have touched the hearts of so many! I hope that you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving and taking comfort in the years and years of memories of Thanksgivings with your sweet Lorraine. 

Oh Sweet Lorraine


Buy “Oh Sweet Lorraine” on iTunes!https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/oh-… GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/music/a…

“A poignant story of life, love, music and 96 year old Fred. #ohsweetlorraine”


The graphics for this post were created with screenshots of the video. I do not own the actual video which is the property of Green Shoe Studio. There are no affiliate links in this post and it has not been sponsored by nor is it or this blog affiliated with Green Shoe Studio. 

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