ADHD Signs and Symptoms in Children
Things such as daydreaming, being fidgety, forgetting homework and acting without thinking are signs of ADHD. Hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention are also attention deficit disorder (ADHD) signs. These can affect that ability that a child has to get along with others and to learn. Recognizing the symptoms and signs is the first step to addressing the problem.
Defining ADD/ADHD
Everyone has known children that do not sit still, do not listen or follow even the clearest instructions. They may also blurt out inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Unfortunately sometimes these children are criticized for being undisciplined or lazy and labeled as troublemakers; they could have ADHD, which appears during early childhood.
It can be difficult to distinguish between normal behavior and ADHD. It is probably not ADHD if there are just a few symptoms or they are only present in certain situations, but if they are there in a number of places and situations it’s time to examine the situation more closely.
ADHD Characteristics
Bouncing off the walls, being disruptive,and constantly staying in motion are some characterisitics of ADHD, but this is not the only manifestation of ADHD. Their attention can be diverted as they sit quietly without moving. There can be difficulty switching tasks when they focus too intently on something or be overly impulsive while mildly inattentive.
- Impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention are the three main characteristics of ADHD.
- May have the ability to pay attention while being impulsive and hyperactive.
- There may not be impulsiveness and hyperactivity but there may still be inattentiveness.
- The most common ADHD comes with impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inattentiveness.
There is typically a quiet and calm environment required for children with ADHD to be able to concentrate. Inattentive children do not pay attention to detail and make mistakes that are careless. It takes very little to distract them and they have trouble remaining focused. They can appear not to listen and following instructions and remembering are difficult for them.
There is also trouble with the planning, organization and finishing of projects. Boredom sets in before a project is completed and their things are often lost.
There can be problems with self- control when impulsivity is an issue because they will ask questions that are not relevant in class. They will invade the space of other people, and questions that are too personal are asked.
Children do not necessarily have ADHD because they have the symptoms associated with it. There are stressful events, psychological disorders and medical conditions that mirror ADHD. A mental health professional should be seen before to rule out other causes to ensure that an accurate diagnosis can be made for ADHD.
There could be a learning disability, traumatic experience, psychological or behavioral disorder as well as medical conditions that can appear to be ADHD unless further examination is done.
Positive ADHD Affects
- Creativity- they can become master problem solvers and have a number of ideas.
- Flexibility- they are open to various ideas because they are not set on a single option
- Spontaneity and enthusiasm- personalities are lively and they are interested in a variety of things.
Tammy Mahan has been a nurse for 20 years. She enjoys sharing her knowledge writing articles for Healthline.com .