February 21, 2025 3:51:22 PM

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Allstate for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Are You in Good Hands?

Have you seen the new Allstate commercial? “Good Hands for the Good Life” It's so refreshing and filled with hope and optimism! They are really doing something different. They aren't just telling you that they can save you money or answer the phone when you have an accident. No, they are dedicating an entire website to talking about the good things in life. They are celebrating with you when bad things don't happen (like a car accident) and forgiving you when they do (accident forgiveness).

Allstate Good Life has a new voice filled with optimism and celebration and is fighting off fear! Doubt and fear are the enemy! They keep you from doing the things that you want to do like taking the top off the Jeep and hitting the highway, moving to a new city, accepting a new job. Life is full of risk but the triumphs only come when we face those risks head on and celebrate our accomplishments! Turning these moments into Good Life Moments is what life is all about! And, if you are an Allstate’s customer, they want to help!

Good Life Moments

I recently wrote and entire reflection piece on how the hardest things in life can be that one turning point where everything that comes after is good and you wouldn't have had the chance to experience those things. Like my house fire. It changed my career, it gave me new perspective on life and family and it ultimately gave us the chance to create our own home from literally nothing. I didn't see it then, but that was a Good Life Moment!

Yesterday I fell into some bad luck. When I went to open my garage door as it reached fully open I heard a noise and saw the pully hanging down. There is no way to close it now. I was at first a bit discouraged but pleased because it was stuck open and that meant my Jeep wasn't stuck inside! Today when the temps were already close to 80 degrees and I was driving in the sun with my top down and doors off? You got it! Another Good Life Moment!

Last night when the chicken was ready I went to open the oven door and then handle broke and the face plate of the oven opened by the inside of the door stayed closed! Luckily with the help of my husband we were able to turn things around quickly, fix the door and then enjoyed some of the best oven baked barbeque chicken we've ever had. Good Life Moment!

I, like Allstate, always try my best to celebrate the good in things rather then to dwell on the negative. You know, the glass is half full and be grateful that you have anything in that glass at all kind of attitude? Yep, its easier to live with that mindset. I have lots of tough days with three kids, three jobs and two out of the three kids having learning and behavioral problems. I have to live in the present and I have to focus on the bright side! 

Your Story

I'd love to hear about your Good Life Moments. Please share in the comments a time when you felt hopeless or just down and what changed it. That turning point is a Good Life Moment! Or maybe things just went right when you weren't expecting them to! Another Good Life Moment!

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