Work celebrations have become quite an important part of company culture in recent years. With employees and managers both working longer hours, in many cases business social events are the only option to unwind after a long day or an even longer project. So, if fun is the order of the day, how can companies be sure to put on the best celebration possible?
Refreshing Variety
If you’re going to the trouble of having a bar, drink service or food service, get a top-flight catering company and give them the budget to really dress up for the party. Experienced caterers can literally wheel good cheer through the door and right up to your guests’ table, and they will often think of things that would be completely beyond the experience of the average party goer. Food and drink are the basis for every great celebration. If you can address no other element of the event, this is the one to concentrate on.
Selfie Station
Everyone’s heard of the carnival funhouse mirrors that make you look strange and silly. The selfie station is the digital equivalent. It is essentially a vertically oriented video screen with a top quality still and video camera on it that is a cross between a digital mirror and a photo booth. Most have a large viewing angle and can accommodate large groups, and since it’s a digital device, your guests can take all the photos they like.
Theme It!
Event planners are becoming experts at theming your events, and with all the one-off manufacturing options and digital device enhancements available now, the possibilities are quite literally endless. When it comes to having a themed party the first step is getting good decorations! For example, you may choose to host a theme park themed party. For something like this you would want to include carnival games, characters and lots of balloons!!! is a great resource to turn to for creative ways to use balloons at a party like this. Also, gone are the days of simple costumes. These themed parties can have a storyline, prizes, recap videos and even special effects! Some planners even hire bit players to pose as villains, spokespeople or celebrity impersonators.
Funny Man
Check with your local comedy club and find out who packs the seats on weekends consistently. You might be surprised at how inexpensive it is to book an hour show with someone who can keep a room entertained. Oftentimes your event planner and caterer can coordinate with the show and offer your guests some fun extras to go with the show. This has the potential to make a memorable night in more ways than one.
Spectacular Invitations
This ties in with your theme and event planning. If you can put together a small event that delivers your party invitations it can help increase excitement and guarantee a festive atmosphere when the big day happens. One great element to include in the invitations are well crafted and decorative balloons. They fit any party theme and can be an inexpensive and fun way to set the mood for everyone.
Everyone loves a great party. If you can plan and put on a good celebration, it can definitely improve your company’s productivity and teamwork.