One of the great parts of my work over the last six or seven months has been my connection with Aliza Sherman. It was through her process of co-writing Social Media Engagement for Dummies with Danielle Smith that I first connected with her. She had tweeted out something akin to a “Help Wanted” ad in under 140 characters and I jumped on it.
Making Connections
Funny enough, I was in bed, slightly medicated three days post hysterectomy and on my iPhone browsing Twitter! See what technology can do? Right place at the right time, luck, faith? Whatever it was that put me in that position, I’m so grateful for my client or boss or whatever it is that I technically call her but most importantly, my friend.
Fast forward seven months and that little book project has turned into Social Media Engagement for Dummies published by Wiley. I’m also still working with Aliza on a variety of other projects and enjoying them all! Excitedly, I’ve just finished reading Aliza and Danielle’s new book! Of all the little things that could make a girl’s day, this probably topped ’em:

Being Grateful
Truthfully, I’m the thankful one. Aliza has really taken my creative mind to the next level, inspired and awed me and helped me to continue working from home, growing my own social media business, blogging and of course juggling that mom/work life balance.
Aliza and Danielle are also co-authors of Mom, Incorporated. I’ve read that book and it really does provide tons of great information for moms looking to build their own business.
Social Media Engagement for Dummies
I love every single chapter in this book. All of them. Every. Single. One. But, the chapter about Google+ was especially helpful for me. Although an early adopter of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, I admittedly balked at the Google Plus bandwagon for the longest time. I created a profile very early on but never actually did anything with it. I’ve been gradually changing that though not at the speed in which Google has changed Google Plus!
Anyway, in the Chapter about Google+ I learned a couple of things right away including the ability to italicize and make text bold with the use of a few keystrokes. I was also fascinated to learn that you can share any document that you can upload to your Google Drive. I love Google Drive! After losing two laptops and tons of CD-Roms and a few thumb drives in a house fire I’m crazy about backing things up online. Luckily I started using Google Drive for my business before they started charging a fee so I was was grandfathered in. However, space is limited and once you reach the cutoff be prepared to delete some things or buck up a few dollars per month for additional storage.
Aliza and Danielle both do a wonderful job of identifying the best tools for social media engamgent from little-known apps to the most commonly used networks. They walk you through the how-tos of setting up, using and benefitting from so many social media tools. Even if you think that you are an expert in one area, I promise you will learn something in one hundred others! (Like, Engaging with geocaching… the most brilliant semi-offline use of social media I think I’ve ever heard of! LOVE this!)
Book Tour
If you are on the East Coast keep an eye out for Aliza and Danielle! I’m so excited to be meeting them both, in person in Boston on the 25th! Join Aliza and Danielle for wine and cheese; a short, dynamic presentation of must-know savvy social tips; some book giveaways; a book signing, a social-powered contest withcool prizes; and special surprise guests. I can’t wait! If you are in Boston, please let me know! I’d love to connect with my wonderful readers too! Not in Boston but want to meet up with them? Check out this list of events!
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