Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Kaplan Test Prep. #JourneyToCollege
I received compensation to write this post, and any opinions expressed are my own, and reflect my actual experience.
journey to college

My Son’s #JourneyToCollege

Look at my baby! He’s 15 and getting ready to start his sophomore year of high school. Last year he was an honor student and really doing so well. While he has some challenges coming up (more about those in a later post), college is still a priority! He really buckled down last year when he hit high school and started focusing on his own #JourneyToCollege. He is quite interested in photography and graphics and really is very gifted! He hopes to make a career out of those passions and I truly believe he can do anything! 

Tenth grade opens a whole bunch of doors that I really didn’t know about! I had no idea that the #JourneyToCollege really kicks into high gear in the tenth grade. The free 2014 KapMap College Planner really opened my eyes to what we need to accomplish this year in order to ensure that he’s on the right track for his #JourneyToCollege! Kaplan is really helping us to keep tabs on the things that must be done as well as to not feel so overwhelmed – plus they are helping my son feel prepared! 

KapMap is Your Essential College Planning Resource

kapMap 2014

KapMap is a month-by-month breakdown of everything you need to know about getting into college, all in one place:

  • When to apply
  • Why test prep matters
  • How to apply for financial aid
  • What to consider when choosing a college

Sophomore Year #JourneyToCollege Steps

Thanks to KapMap I learned that my son has to register for PSAT’s next month and take them in October. Eek! He needs to get ready! He visited two college campuses last year but this year he needs to start visiting a few more. Than, in February he’ll have to start preparing for the SAT/ACT tests and take those in May. 

Oh, and in case you thought you already had everything planned out for the SAT’s … The SAT will change in 2016. Get familiar with the changes at SAT Change Resource Center .

Kaplan Test Prep Savings

Save $100 when you enroll in a SAT or ACT course from 8/11-8/28.* Use code: SHESPEAKS100.

Learn more – 

Talk to me: Have you reached the college prep stage yet? What are your tips and challenges? 

51 thoughts on “My Son’s #JourneyToCollege Starts Now! See How the Kaplan Test Prep Program is Helping!

  1. You can never be too prepared for college! I wish they had these programs when I went to college. When I went, everything was a complete shock because I wasn’t prepped properly.

  2. It really is amazing all of the tools that are available now for students getting ready for college. And they can never be too ready.

  3. This is an excellent resource for students getting ready for college, your baby boy is so cute đŸ˜‰ They’ll always be our babies even when their off to college won’t they?

  4. I wish I would’ve known about this before I picked the school that I went to! Was SO not happy with where I went, oh well I got the Associate’s Degree anyways lol

  5. We’re a bit aways from there yet – my kids are still in elementary school. but it is never to early to start prepping!

  6. I had no idea that Kaplan had a program like this! My brother graduates this upcoming school year, so I’ll pass this along to him to check out.

  7. I have three step kids in their teens and they are all working towards getting into college as well. I have a 7 year old who is just starting first grade in sept. I’m excited for all of them this year.

  8. you can never be to prepared. We applied last year for a scholarship for son who is starting high school this year.

  9. I have a few years before I reach this stage. For sure something I need to learn more about though!

  10. This is so great. I’ve never heard of it before and although my oldest is only 9, it’s never too early to start planning and preparing for higher education. Thanks for sharing your son’s journey.

  11. Good luck to him in college! My daughter is getting ready to start this test prep and I am pretty excited for her!

  12. We’re just passing the Kindergarten stage now. It’s good to know there will be resources to help in the future.

  13. My daughter will be in 10th this year too. I had no idea they would be testing the PSAT’s this October. I need to make sure she will be prepared!

  14. It’s so important to have kids with their sights on college from early on. There is a lot of preparation that needs to take place academically for them to get there and they need to be prepared.

  15. I wish I had known about this a couple years ago. My son will be going to college next year and it is so confusing what we need to do when. The schools do not seem to help with guidance like they used to, wonder if Kaplan ever thought to get their services to the schools to be passed out to parents/students.

    1. I agree! It seems like colleges nowadays just kind of push you into the system and don’t really help you out anymore. It can be hard work and I think this program would work well!

  16. I have never heard of this before! It’s never too early to start preparing for college- and you can’t even be too prepared!

  17. I’m 32 and I just graduated from University. I guess as I am older, the preparation for college was a bit easier for me…I didn’t get caught up in campus life or anything like that…I attended classes and went home afterward. At times, I do wish I went when I was younger so that I could have really experienced the ‘college life’, but the important thing is that I eventually went and got the degree! Your son sounds like he is on the right track…and you sound like you are ready and willing to give him all the support that he needs.

  18. That looks like a great program! How helpful. It is soo important to prepare for those test, and I love that this resource assist in doing that.

  19. $100 off savings is great for helping with to ACT/SAT college prep. Congrats on your son getting ready for college.

  20. Our oldests are a junior and a sophmore this year too so I can totally understand where you are coming from. Great review on this program I will have to check it out soon here in Austin!

  21. EEk…I’m freaking out for you! He’s already on the way to college! That guide seems like a great resource for people to use.

  22. Added to my mental list of things to remember when my kids get older. Good to know about all the great resources out there to help prepare for their education!

  23. As a former SAT Prep teacher, you can never be too prepared! Everything a student does in school is in preparation for that exam!

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