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As a woman, keeping your hormones in check can sometimes feel like an arduous journey. The highs and lows of hormone fluctuations during menstrual cycles and menopause can have a substantial impact on your energy levels and emotional well-being. But worry not; there are numerous things you can do to enhance your energy and lift your mood. Let’s explore six ways to kick-start your journey.

Increase Your Energy & Mood – Six Proven Ways

Here are 6 simple yet effective approaches to increasing your energy and mood as a woman:

  1. Get Enough Sleep 

To regulate your hormones and boost your energy levels, getting sufficient sleep is one of the most effective measures. It’s advisable to aim for a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep each night and establish a regular sleep pattern to help your body develop a routine.

  1. Reduce Stress Through Relaxation Techniques 

Stress can play havoc on your hormones, causing tiredness and fluctuations in mood. To alleviate stress, it’s worth considering integrating relaxation techniques, including meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.

  1. Exercise Regularly 

Whether you choose to take a brisk walk around your neighborhood or engage in an intense workout at the gym, exercise can release endorphins, providing you with a sense of well-being. Moreover, exercise can also help regulate your hormones, easing symptoms associated with PMS and menopause.

  1. Eat a Nutritious Diet 

Balancing womens hormones is necessary, and it can only be attained by a balanced diet. Your food choices can significantly affect your hormone levels and emotional state. Therefore, strive to consume a balanced diet that includes whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats such as nuts and fish. 

  1. Take Breaks Throughout The Day 

If you’re feeling fatigued and drained, taking regular breaks throughout your day can assist in recharging and boosting your energy levels. Whether you choose to take a short walk outside or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, these brief intermissions can help you feel more alert and focused.

  1. Seek Professional Help If Necessary 

If you’re experiencing severe mood swings or fatigue, it’s worth considering seeking professional assistance. Managing hormone imbalances alone can be daunting, and a healthcare provider can help identify any underlying problems and offer specific treatment options to help you feel your best.

What are Some Foods that Can Boost Energy Levels in Females?

Maintaining a nutritious diet is vital for boosting energy levels in females. The food you consume acts as a source of fuel for your body to function correctly, and certain types of food can help promote sustained energy throughout the day. Here are some food options that can significantly boost your energy levels:


If you are looking for a natural way to increase your energy levels, bananas are an excellent option. These yellow fruits are packed with carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin B6, which all work together to help increase your energy levels. 


Avocados are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin K, all of which contribute to maintaining optimal energy levels. The healthy fats found in avocados offer long-lasting energy, while the fiber can help regulate blood sugar levels, keeping you feeling full and satisfied for an extended period. 


These crunchy fruits are loaded with fiber and carbohydrates, making them an ideal food for sustaining energy. The natural sugars present in apples provide an immediate burst of energy, while the fiber helps in boosting blood sugar levels – keeping you feeling full and satisfied. 

Fatty Fish

If you’re looking for a natural way to enhance your brain function and energy levels, then fatty fish like salmon and tuna are an excellent option. These fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve brain function and increase energy levels.

Managing Stress to Enhance Your Mood & Energy

Stress, depression, and anxiety are common causes of low energy and bad mood. However, fortunately, there are numerous ways to manage stress, such as:

Deep Breathing 

Deep breathing is a powerful relaxation technique that one can perform anywhere. Find a comfortable area and lie down, close both eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. 

Guided Imagery 

It is a relaxation technique that can help you feel calm and at ease. To practice guided imagery, look for a quiet place and lie down. Close both eyes and imagine a happy scene or situation that brings you a sense of calm. Try to visualize every detail of the scene to create a solid mental image. 

Mindfulness Meditation

The practice of mindfulness meditation requires one to focus on the present moment while avoiding any distractions or biases and refraining from forming opinions. To begin, sit comfortably in a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. As thoughts come and go, gently redirect your attention to the breath. 


Yoga combines various elements, including bodily postures, controlled breathing methods, and meditation techniques. Regular yoga practice can help minimize stress, enhance energy levels, and improve mood. With many different types and styles of yoga available, it’s important to find a practice that suits your level and needs.


Balancing one’s hormones is an ongoing process that necessitates a blend of lifestyle modifications and professional assistance. By prioritizing adequate sleep, reducing stress, exercising regularly, and seeking professional help if necessary, you can elevate your energy levels and uplift your overall mood. Always remember, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being to lead your best life as a woman.