As you age, you might begin to develop any number of medical complications, and that includes urological conditions that impact your quality of life. That is why you should keep an eye out for some of the most common urological issues that many people experience as they grow older.
Urinary Incontinence
Studies have revealed that around 30 percent of all men and women in the United States have some form of urinary incontinence, and that means millions of Americans struggle with the side effects of that health complication every single day. Some of the most common signs of urinary incontinence include frequent urination, leaking urine, and an overwhelming urge to urinate. When left untreated, incontinence can result in insomnia, loss of libido, anxiety, and depression.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can develop at any age, but it is much more common among men who are over the age of 40. This condition can be caused by a variety of issues, and you should immediately head to a urology center if you are struggling with ED. During your appointment, a medical team will be able to run a myriad of tests so that they can determine exactly what is causing the ED and how it can be treated.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are small pockets of minerals that develop inside the kidneys, and they can make their way into the urinary tract and cause many different health problems. If you have recently developed kidney stones, then you might notice severe abdominal pain, nausea, chills, a fever, or blood in your urine. Luckily, kidney stones are often relatively easy to treat as long as they are caught early on and the patient seeks out immediate medical attention.
Peyronie’s Disease
This unique condition occurs when scar tissue collects inside the penis, and it often results in erectile dysfunction or painful erections. Unfortunately, most patients don’t realize that they have Peyronie’s disease until quite a bit of the fibrous tissue has collected, and that means surgery is often required. Once the procedure has been carried out, the patient will often be prescribed a few different types of medication that prevent additional scar tissue from being made.
Visit a Doctor
When it comes to any urological conditions, it’s ideal to talk to a doctor about any concerns you may have regarding symptoms. There are facilities such as a urology center that specialize in those types of concerns. By going to a facility or doctor that specializes in urology, you’ll likely get the most up-to-date treatment with a staff that is familiar with handling the situations. This can be especially important if you are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable talking about your symptoms.
When it comes to your urological health, you should always err on the side of caution. If you have recently noticed any unusual issues with your urinary tract, then you should contact a medical professional as quickly as possible so that the health complication can be addressed.