No one wants to think about getting older, but the fact is that as we age, our health changes, and we need to be proactive in taking care of ourselves. One important way to do this is by getting annual health screenings. Here are four types of screenings that are important for everyone over the age of 40.
Blood Pressure Screenings
Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, both of which are more prevalent as we age. If your reading shows elevated blood pressure levels, you may be asked to come back in several weeks for another test before getting an official diagnosis from your doctor. Depending on how high your numbers are and other factors such as family history, your doctor may prescribe medication to help bring your blood pressure down. You can get a blood pressure screening at your doctor’s office, or you can buy a home monitoring kit and do it yourself. High blood pressure has no symptoms; that’s why regular screenings are so important.
Prostate Cancer Screening
Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men. It’s especially prevalent among African-American and older men; however, it can affect anyone at any age. To see if you’re at risk for developing prostate cancer, ask your doctor about getting screened today. Prostate cancer testing involves a simple blood draw or rectal exam (finger poking), which will determine whether or not there are abnormalities present within your prostate gland that could indicate potential problems down the road with this disease.
Colorectal Cancer Screening
As you age, your risk for colorectal cancer increases. It’s important to get screened early and often because if caught in its earliest stages, this type of cancer can be treated with surgery or chemotherapy without lasting effects on quality of life, such as loss of bowel control. This may occur after resectioning large portions where tumors were found during an exploratory laparotomy procedure performed by surgeons under general anesthesia but still requiring follow up treatment/chemotherapy sessions.
Cholesterol Screening
High cholesterol is another common health concern among older adults. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in three seniors has high cholesterol (defined as a total blood level greater than 240 milligrams per deciliter). High levels increase your risk for heart disease and stroke, so getting regular tests done is important. Cholesterol testing involves a simple blood test that can be performed at your doctor’s office or by you at home; if you do the latter option, make sure you follow all instructions carefully and report any questions or concerns to your healthcare provider right away.
As you can see, there are many types of screenings available for older adults. It’s important to get screened early and often because screening tests may catch a problem before it becomes severe. The earlier you find out about any potential health concerns, the more likely they will be able to treat them effectively with minimal side effects or complications from treatment procedures.