There’s so much that goes into the process of maintaining a healthy, happy and functional home environment. In addition to making sure the bills are paid and bellies are filled, you’ll have to stay on top of issues like flu season and allergies. Allergies don’t just come in the form of a food allergy or that pesky springtime pollen. In fact, there are tons of people who suffer from dust allergies that haunt them each time they walk into their homes. To suffer from a dust allergy throughout the year is not a comfortable experience. Thankfully, there are effective ways to reduce home allergies through the following cleaning practices.
1. Regularly Maintain Clean Bathrooms
When they’re not cleaned regularly, bathrooms can become cesspools of bacteria and germs. Maintain a cleaning routine that’s handled on a weekly basis. An easy option involves using a soap-dispensing dish brush. Place equal parts white vinegar and dish soap in the brush.
While you’re taking a shower, scrub down the walls, grout, and the bottom of the tub with this solution. It won’t harm your skin, and it’s excellent for gently removing germs. If you’re placing a deep conditioner in your hair, you can easily clean the tub while your hair soaks up your hair treatment. If you have a cloth shower curtain, place it in the wash at least once or twice a month. Each night, clean down the sink and sweep the floors in order to avoid the build-up of dust and bacteria.
2. Establish Routines for Fabric and Carpeted Areas
If you can get rid of the carpet in your home, that’s always a better option. The carpet holds a lot of allergens that are hard to detect. If you’ve chosen to keep your carpet, make sure it’s vacuumed on a consistent basis. It needs to be cleaned at least once or twice a week.
Invest in a vacuum that contains a HEPA filter in order to maximize your efforts. In addition to regularly cleaning the carpeted areas, it’s important to change the sheets and pay attention to the other large areas with fabric in your home. This includes vacuuming and deep-cleaning upholstered furniture. Pay attention to the window treatments by vacuuming and washing the curtains. If there are blinds installed as well, clean the dust off with a damp cloth.
When it’s time to wash linens, curtains, and clothes, do so with hot water. The temperature needs to be at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit in order to effectively destroy dust mites. When you’re approaching the process of cleaning fabrics, invest in laundry detergents and other products that provide solutions for dust mite allergy treatment.
3. Maintain Clean Outdoor Areas
It’s actually very simple to bring dust, dirt, and debris into the house on a daily basis. Just by going outside to walk the dog, you’re exposed to a lot of elements. Start by making sure everyone knows to take off their shoes when they enter the front door. As everyone wipes off their shoes, dust collects.
Whether you do this once a day or once every few days, sweep the entryway in order to get rid of the dirt. This includes the outdoor area and the indoor area. It’s your first area to attack when people bring dust through the door. To up the ante on the cleanliness of your home, make everyone take a shower when they’re in the house for good.
For example, when the children come home from school, give them all baths as soon as they walk through the door. Once you’ve cleaned them down, they can get dressed in their house clothes or pajamas. It’s a great way to get bathtime out of the way without spreading outside germs throughout the home.
If you find yourself getting discouraged about the process, always remember that there are professional solutions you can take advantage of. Cleaning services, allergy prescriptions, and additional methods can be wildly productive in significantly decreasing allergy symptoms. Still, there’s work you can do on a consistent basis to maintain the cleanliness and health of your home.
As you adopt these rituals into your regular cleaning routine, remain on the lookout for positive improvements in the health of your family members. Plus, who doesn’t love walking into an immaculately clean home? It can do wonders for everyone’s mental health and happiness.