A collectible is anything you can buy or sell at a price much more than its original value. If you have any scarce collectible, it can fetch even higher prices. There are several factors that help determine the value of collectibles, including availability, age, demand, and much more. The more pristine a collectible is, the higher its price tag. If you have any decorated collectible, chances are higher you won’t get anyone interested in buying the item. Ensure not to decorate anything you own now and want to resell later at a higher value. So what collectibles are actually worth the fortune? Explore the options below to learn about what collectibles can make you rich.
Collectible Items That Can Make You Rich
Many rich people own most of the collectible items because of the high price set to acquire them. Collectibles are only available to the chosen few who want to keep their purchase safe and secure. You can only find some collectibles in exhibitions of the rarest items, which attract thousands of visitors eager to see the items close and personal.
If you have anything you consider rare, you might find an investor willing to spend top dollar to own the item. Check out these four things that may seem useless—that can make you super-rich.
1. Old Toys
There are some people desperately looking for some old toys that they can use to represent their childhood. Others are looking for those toys like transformers g1 toys or star war toys that demonstrate their undying love for some book series, movies, or TV shows.
Disney collectibles, especially the limited editions, have a value, with some even going for up to $6,000. Old toys used to represent some movies or TV series can be a big hit. If you buy toys representing any popular movie or series, you can keep one or several in their original boxes and follow up their price over the coming years. You might be surprised to find them attracting more value than the Disney collectibles in years to come.
2. Coins
The coin collection is somewhat funny because it’s the imperfect coins that are often worth more money. Old coins, especially those made from the rarest of all metals, can fetch you the most bucks. Coin collectors are looking for imperfect coins to buy at any reasonable price you mention. Though there are many types of rare coins, the imperfect ones can fetch the most dollars. Collectors are searching for coins with misspellings or errors. Don’t expect a few dollars when you get one. Depending on the condition of the coin, coins with error can fetch up to $100,000 each.
3. Sneakers
There’s a big market for limited-release or first-edition sneakers, which you can trade for currency. New or slightly used sneakers have a price tag that constantly increases over the years. That is especially the case with limited-edition designs from Adidas, Nike, and other sneakers from top makers. That new sneaker you just bought can turn into a valuable vintage product before long. Depending on the condition or model of your sneaker, early Air Jordan design or any other popular style can even fetch thousands of dollars.
4. Video Games
When you explore the video game industry, you’ll notice that what is worth a small chunk of change can go for thousands of dollars down the line. As gaming technology changes in favor of the latest models, you’ll notice that the old ones turn out rarer as the years roll on.
If you have several outdated video games in your basement, you might be surprised to learn that some of them are now major cash cows. Research your old video games collection to see if there is something considered most valuable in the world of gaming. Who knows, you might get one lying in your basement that you can sell and make a great deal of cash.
The Bottom Line
Investing in collectible items always involves a hop of faith. With that in mind, never consider spending too much upfront. After all, nothing guarantees that whatever you invest in today will escalate in price later. If you want to buy anything so that you can resell it at a much higher price later, be patient. Maintain the item in its original box, and avoid the temptation to use it. Who knows, you might find yourself sitting on a diamond mine sooner than you thought.