Your website is your company’s around-the-clock marketing tool for whatever you are offering the public. It is a shop that never closes or an office that is always accessible. Make the most of your website by updating it frequently with timely, relevant content that will attract viewers and bring them back for valuable updates.
Be the Go-To Resource
Your website can become the go-to source that visitors will find and follow if you provide fresh content that meets their needs. To attract viewers, use SEO content with keywords that are commonly searched for by people who are interested in whatever you are offering. Correlate your Web content with current news to provide answers, leads, and guidance in response to issues that interest or concern the public. Stay on the cutting edge of new developments, and update your website daily if possible or a couple times weekly at least. Viewers will bookmark your site or become subscribers to stay connected.
Add a Personal Voice
Start a blog or a vlog that attracts viewers to your charismatic personality. When you think of popular news show hosts or bloggers that you follow, each has a distinctive personality and style. Develop your own way of communicating with viewers and subscribers by delivering the type of content they expect from you. For example, if you are a fashion blogger, you might offer updates on seasonal trends and innovative styles. A sports blogger with a website that sells home team merchandise can attract a huge following by discussing recent game plays and team news.
Connect With Viewers
Utilize various media to directly talk to or with viewers. You can sponsor live chat sessions, video conferencing options, or livestream programming. Viewers may want to connect by posting to a discussion board on your website or by using good, old fashioned email. Be accessible and maintain a friendly, customer service-type style when answering questions or participating in live chat.
Include Other Voices
If you are operating a business, post customer reviews of your products and services as well as testimonials from clients or business colleagues. Invite a guest blogger or business owner to share a unique perspective in an area of expertise. Changing up the format occasionally and promoting on the site in advance may increase visitors and views who are interested in the new content or perspective.
Keep your website up to date and meaningful for the regulars who visit your site or newbies who are browsing the Web and land on your page due to SEO. A positive first impression will bring viewers back for more.