Toddlers are busy, tiny people, spending much of their time exploring their world with hands and mouths. Unfortunately, they are also unsteady when it comes to moving around, making many areas of the home dangerous if not addressed. To toddler-proof your home, use stair gates and pad sharp corners. When they begin to climb, pull furniture away from nearby windows and use window locks. More tips to toddler-proof a home follow.
Baby-Proof the Bathroom
You can prevent a toddler from getting into the toilet with a toilet lid lock, these handy devices are not complicated for an adult to quickly flip out of the way, but toddlers will not readily figure them out. Get a rubber faucet cover for the bathtub faucet to prevent the toddler from bangs and bruises to the head. Do not use a plastic bag as a trash can liner, these can become toys that risk suffocation for the toddler. Do not leave hair dryers, curlers, or straighteners plugged in. Keep contact lenses and pills out of reach somewhere high up.
Keep Doors from Slamming
Prevent the door from closing all the way by using a foam guard, often known as a pinch guard to protect little fingers, or a towel draped over the door’s top. The most common amputations in children involve thumbs and fingers in door-related accidents. Protect tiny digits by ensuring that a door cannot slam shut on them.
Eliminate Loose Cords
Cords such as belong to various types of window dressing are another choking hazard. When they hang down near furniture that may be climbed on or a toddler’s bed, they are a tempting risk, even corralled fairly high up. While arranging for the cord to be doubled up high is tricky with curtains, it is simple with Luxaflex Blinds. Simply loop the cord over the edge of the blinds up high. Luxaflex blinds are practical for small children as well as being attractive. Make sure the cords are kept well out of the toddler’s reach and double-check that furniture will not give the toddler access to them.
Toddler Proof Kitchens
Gate the kitchen so that it is off-limits when you are not around. Kitchens are filled with temptations and trouble for toddlers. When they are permitted inside, take heed of what they can access. Magnetic locks are great for lower cabinets. Lock the dishwasher as well. Keep the microwave out of reach, mounting it high up if possible. Pull off stove knobs when you are not cooking, or better, utilize a stove guard of metal or plastic. If you can, use only the back burners to cook, never leaving pan or pot handles in a forward-facing position. Use an oven latch. Keep small appliances and cutlery out of reach. A refrigerator latch is also a good idea.
Toddlers like to tempt trouble without even knowing they are in danger. By toddler-proofing each room and securing loose cords particularly as you go, you ensure a safer residence for youngsters just learning to walk. Remember to keep an eye out and pad sharp corners as well as corralling the toddler with baby gates, and you will do well.