There are over 600 million blogs out there on the Internet. They focus on different categories, different target audiences, and all look…well, different! But, with so many blogs fighting for attention, it’s important to do whatever you can to help you stand out among your competitors.
The average salary of a blogger is just over $32,000 each year. But, the sky’s the limit if you’re willing to consistently improve your website, market your blog the right way, and utilize a few tips and tricks to get more readers.
So, what can you do to give your blog a boost, increase your revenue and readership? Let’s look at a few helpful tips.
- Know Your Audience
While you can blog about many topics successfully and you don’t have to box yourself in, you do have to consider your audience. If you’re creating a blog for mothers, for example, there are a variety of different things you could write about. But, posts catered to men probably shouldn’t be featured!
An old saying is to ‘write what you know,’ so the more passionate you are about the niche of your blog, the easier it will be to come up with practical posts that really connect with your target audience.
- Incorporate Keywords and Links
If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you’ve probably heard before that “content is king”. That’s still true. Updating the content of your blog and writing new posts frequently can help you to stay relevant. Plus, Google loves it!
But, it’s also important to incorporate keywords and links into your blog. Keywords are important for any successful website as a way to boost SEO. Thankfully, there are plenty of keyword tools out there that can help you to optimize which words you want to use.
Inserting natural-sounding links throughout your content can increase your audience and may even get the attention of product marketing companies that want to advertise with you if you have a big enough audience.
- Write Guest Posts
Chances are, there are plenty of other blogs out there with a similar niche to your own. But, they may have a completely different audience. Bloggers don’t have to compete with one another – they can share larger audiences by working together!
So, find other bloggers within your niche and offer to do guest posts on each other’s sites. Maybe you have a unique insight into a topic that would appeal to their readers, and they are an “expert” at something that would appeal to yours.
It can help you to gain more followers from their blog, and vice versa. Plus, it helps you to build a community of bloggers who support each other, which can keep you motivated and productive.
It doesn’t have to be hard to keep your blog relevant and important to your readers. If you’re consistently creating content that appeals to people and utilizing a few marketing techniques, you can give your blog a boost, gain more readers, and maybe even be inspired to take your blog to the next level as a result.