As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Ensuring that your employees are well taken care of and safe on the job is a must. Here are four times that you can be held liable for employee injuries so you can work on constituting a plan to avoid ever having these issues at your business location.
You Don’t Carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Most employee injuries are covered under worker’s compensation. This is a type of insurance that you can purchase to shield your business from injury claims. Depending on the specifics of your business, the state laws may or may not require you to have this type of insurance. It’s best to check with your local attorney to determine whether or not it’s legally required for your business to purchase worker’s compensation insurance.
You Intentionally Cause An Injury To An Employee
As an employer, you can be sued if you intentionally caused an injury to one of your employees. This type of case is one that requires that the employee be able to present viable evidence that proves that you intentionally planned to cause them harm. There are many different scenarios that could result in this type of lawsuit. It’s best to speak with an injury attorney to learn what is classified as intentional acts.
You Denied Their Worker’s Compensation Claim In Bad Faith
Claims to your worker’s compensation can cost your business money. Depending on the circumstances of an employee’s injuries, you may initially deny their claim. If this denial is done in bad faith, you could find yourself on the other end of a hefty lawsuit. The employee will likely have to file an appeal with the state’s worker’s compensation board before they can file a suit against your business.
If They’re Actually An Independent Contractor
It may seem like second nature to call a long-standing independent contractor for your company your employee. However, this can be detrimental in the case of an injury. Your worker’s compensation insurance doesn’t cover independent contractors. It only covers your true employees. So, if an independent contractor is injured, lookout as you can be sued for the damages involved.
Part of running a successful business is understanding the various legal implications of your actions. The above are four times that your business could be held liable for an employee’s injury. You should ensure that you pay close attention to these types of situations and avoid them at all costs.