Did you know that there is a shocking number of people that have failed to make a personal injury claim for a workplace accident when they would have actually been entitled to compensation? Read on to discover some of the reasons why this is the case…

They do not realize they have a case

One of the main reasons why people fail to make an accident claim is because they do not realize they are possibly eligible for compensation. You can use the following three questions to help you…

  1. Was the incident caused because of someone else’s error or negligence?
  2. Did you see a doctor for your injuries?
  3. Did the accident occur within the past three years?

If you have answered yes to all of those questions you definitely have a great chance of getting compensation.

They are worried their employer will fire them

If you have sustained an accident in the workplace you may be worried about the possibility of getting sacked for making a claim. This is something you shouldn’t fret about! Your employer can’t fire you for their error.

They don’t think they have enough money to make a claim

Another popular reason why people do not make an accident claim is that they do not think they are going to be able to afford it. They envisage expensive legal fees and a lot of hassle. They also worry that they are going to spend all of this money and then potentially lose their case. This is something you actually do not need to be concerned about if you go for a no win no fee service. 

Do you need to see a doctor to make an accident claim?

If you have suffered an injury as a result of an accident that was not your fault, you are likely to be feeling distressed and have one million thoughts running through your mind! A lot of these will be concerning making an accident claim with a reputable company like The Hadley Law Firm. How do you make a claim? How much compensation will you receive? Will you have to go to court? How long will it take for your claim to be resolved? Nevertheless, there is no point in even thinking about these questions if you are yet to see a doctor.

A reputable injury lawyer will always recommend that you seek medical advice and have a doctor’s report on hand. They will need this for your case to move forward, so it’s a good idea to head to a doctor asap after your injury.

Needless to say, there are lots of people that hate hospitals! And thus, they will only go if they literally have no other option. Because of this, there are cases whereby people who suffer minor injuries decide to cope with them themselves. Whiplash is a common example of this. Luckily, a lot of people that suffer from whiplash recover within a matter of weeks, and therefore there are those that bypass a trip to the doctor when they have sustained this type of injury. Nonetheless, this is a big mistake to make. 

Of course, it is imperative to get the proper treatment, however, you will also be severely hampering your case if you fail to receive professional medical attention. How can you expect to make an accident claim if there is no proof of your injuries? No matter how minor your injury may be, you need to be professionally diagnosed.