You spent all day creating content. To you, it is perfect. After you hit share, you sit and wait a while, you wait for those notifications to say your content is going wild with shares.

And you wait.

Unless you already have a substantial readership who share everything you post, this can feel somewhat disheartening. But, it’s not because your content isn’t great, it’s because it’s not as ‘out there’ as it could be.

So let’s talk about how to create content worth sharing.

Getting Readers

When are you scrolling on Facebook, or only looking for some information – what is it that pulls you in? Always the headline. Headlines are written to provoke a response. Hate, joy, humor. Whatever it is, they’re worded in a way that you will want to interact with them. Think of your headline as a magnet.

A people magnet.

  • Leverage lazy attitudes – create a headline with the words ‘lazy ways to…’ and then finish off. Most people can identify with being lazy in some areas and if they can find a way to remain sluggish and get the job done – they’ll click.

  • Old faithful – How-To guides and Listicles are tried and true. If you can show people how to do something, or create a list of great points – you’re on to a winner.

  • Is it beneficial – Reading an article that helps you is a great thing, you want to share your new found knowledge. Let the headline tell people what they will learn.

  • Emotional – might seem like a cheap trick, but it works. People respond to emotive titles.

  • Music and visual – having music in the background, like and high quality video or images from sites like Pexels make it look more professional.

Make sure that your content matches your titles. There is nothing worse that clickbait titles. Being lured in with the promise of one thing, but having something totally different delivered sucks. It is a waste of your time and theirs – so ditch it.

Getting It Shared

Social media is your friend. Billions of people use social media websites to share what they loved, liked, loathed, and laughed at. If you manage to get a piece of content shared on Facebook, your views and shared will skyrocket

Easy share content.

  • Strip the social icons back – give people fewer options, and they are more likely to make a decision. The paradox of choice isn’t your friend here. Limit the number of buttons to 3 maximum (use your biggest platforms).

  • Interact – if you use social media channels how they are intended, to be social, then when you share content, your online community will do it. Because they like you.

  • Ask – When you tweet your content out, ask for a RT. Might sound silly, but actually, it works. And, at the end of an article asking your readers if they could share to help get your content out there – works well too.

  • Share – you need to be part of the conversation. Sharing the work of others will mean that people are more likely to stop by and read your content, and share too. Share content is written from a range of people and sources. You’ll be seen as more of an expert too!