Safety is always our top priority. Our two most innate fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, stem from this. When we are scared, it is (supposed to) be a reaction for self-preservation. It’s why our hearts race when we face immediate danger, and why our bodies equip us with enough adrenaline to get through the ordeal. We change our behaviors whenever we sense danger lurks: we look both ways when we cross the street, and we watch our kids to make sure that nothing can hurt them.


So why be lax when it comes to pre-emptive measures?


Here are five things every home should have (and have working) inside their home to avoid potential danger:



  • A Fire Alarm Detector



This one might seem obvious, but it’s just as important to regularly check and maintain your fire alarm detector to make sure that it’s working. A malfunctioning fire detector can spell disaster. Either it will be hyper sensitive and go off every time you burn your food, or it won’t go off at all when there is a disaster. If something is smoking in the middle of the night and you’re sleeping, you need to wake up. Sub-standard fire safety equipment and building materials are the leading causes of the terrible fire that engulfed a high rise in London. Don’t be on the late side of a fire.



  • A Carbon Monoxide Detector



Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Stay safe by having one (and ensuring it’s properly working) will make sure you’re warned and aware if a gas leak happens.



  • A Security System



Just like a working fire alarm, you need a working, reliable security system. Just having one is a great deterrent for potential burglars, as if they see the alarm is on they may decide to hit a less risky target. Like the fire and carbon monoxide alarms, this alarm will also go off when you are most vulnerable.



  • First Aid Kit


The one piece of equipment you absolutely must have is a first aid kit. First Aid Supplies are easy to get and simple to maintain. Having a well-stocked first aid kit at home can mean the difference between life and death, but mostly it will mean you have everything that you need for whenever someone gets injured in your home. Cuts from using a knife in the kitchen are a prime example! Have a first aid kit, and, even better, know emergency first aid, and you’ll be set for anything life can throw at you.



  • Fire Extinguisher


Very similar as to why you should have a first aid kit in your home, you should also have a fire extinguisher. Some countries require you to have one in your home by law already, but if yours doesn’t, think about buying one yourself. Extinguishing a fire while it’s still small is the best way to save your home.