If you feel like you need to make an improvement in your life, but aren’t sure what exactly you need, maybe it’s time to improve everything.
Why continue going through life ‘okay,’ when you can be amazing?
It’s important to take a step back sometimes and take in the bigger picture. – If you’re ready to give your life a spring clean, here’s where you can start.
Clean The House
If you’re living in a messy environment, it’s not going to feel good. Walking through the door and seeing clutter is a serious stress maker, so clean it up.
If you have things that you don’t need any more like old furniture, toys, or items in your house – why is it still there? Get rid of it. You can either throw out your junk or spread the word that you’re planning on getting rid of it. You may be surprised at the offers you might get to take it off your hands. And if you do have things of value, make some extra cash by selling them. You can do this very easily online.
Clean The Car
Have you been meaning to give your car a wash but just haven’t gotten round to it yet? – Well now is a better time than any. There are so many ways to clean your vehicle, whether that be through a car wash, or doing it yourself with a soapy bucket of water, some sponges and a pressure washer for them really tough spots. You can find more about these here http://www.pressurewashervote.com/ if you’ve never used one before.
– Don’t forget to clean out the inside of your car too!
Clean The Body
No more procrastinating, if you’re not happy with your physical appearance – change it! You don’t have to go on some crazy diet to do this; it really can be as simple as cutting down on the junk food, eating healthier and start working out.
Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make such an obvious difference, so there’s no excuse not to start today. Invest in some good trainers and go for a walk around the block, or walk to the shops instead of driving or hopping on the bus.
Exercise not only keeps you in shape but also gets your body to release endorphins which make you happy! Look at https://draxe.com/what-are-endorphins/ to learn more.
Plus it gives you the perfect excuse to ditch your old clothes and replace them with something new and fitting.
Clean The Mind
The last, and definitely the most important, is having a healthy mind. This is what you use to make decisions, to function and to dream with, so if you’re not in a good place mentally – nothing else will be.
It’s okay to take a time out sometimes and ask for help if you need it. Life can get really tough, and no one can be strong all the time.
Focus on what makes you happy. What do you enjoy? – Once you figure this out, you can look forward to what’s next to come.
Good info, sometimes you just need to start from scratch and work from a clean slate.
I have done this in the past and do this regularly when things plateau and not moving int he right direction or when you just feel like your stuck in mud. Sometimes is does not take a lot to get jump started, maybe just minor reorganization.
Good read!!