Summer has a lot to love. Sunnier days, blooming plants, and more daylight hours all make it the perfect season to see your friends more, get outside, and generally enjoy life. But it’s also important to remember to take care of yourself during the season. Your summer routine can affect how you feel during the brighter months, both in your body and in your mind. The heat can sometimes get to you or you might even feel like you’re not making the most of the summer while you can. A little seasonal self-care can help you seize the day and stay sane while it’s hot.

Beat the Heat

If there’s one thing that can get you down during the summer, it’s how hot it gets. Depending on where you live, this can affect you in different ways. Some people experience relatively mild summers, while others suffer in higher temperatures. The first thing you should do to beat the heat is get on top of HVAC maintenance. Don’t leave it until the height of summer to have your air conditioning serviced. If you make sure it all works before summer really begins, you’ll know that you’re ready to stay nice and cool when the temperature ramps up.

Enjoy a Seasonal Diet

If you prefer to follow a seasonal diet, summer is a fantastic time. While you might have spent the winter eating more carbs and comfort foods, summer is the time to really dig into fruits, vegetables, and salads. There’s an abundance of fresh produce that will give you the fuel you need during the season without being too heavy. A lot of people don’t feel like too much hot food (or cooking) during the summer, so focusing on cold options can work out for you. Eating seasonally is good for you, and it’s good for the environment too.

Exercise Outdoors

There’s evidence that exercising outdoors is even better for you than other types of exercise. Being surrounded by nature can have a positive effect on your mood, and getting out in the fresh air is good for you too. You could even lower your blood pressure by exercising outdoors. There are plenty of different ways to do it too, whether you want to go for a walk or take a bike ride. Summer is a good time for swimming or other water-based sports too. Just remember sun protection and stay safe while you’re outdoors.

Make the Most of Lighter Mornings

With more sunlight to enjoy in the mornings, you take advantage of what summer offers you. Starting your day by enjoying the sun could help to lift your mood, and it’s good for your circadian rhythm too. You could simply sit by a window while you have breakfast, read, or meditate. But getting outside in the morning is also beneficial and can help you start your day off right. Just 5 or 10 minutes could be enough to have a positive effect.

Take care of yourself this summer to make the most of the season. Look at your health and home to make the summer one you’ll enjoy.

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