antique teapots with patterns and a radio

Photo by Feyza Tuğba on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

In Japan, many companies ask their employees to stand up together to perform rajio taiso (radio exercise), a workout routine which is broadcast daily on Japan’s national radio. The broadcast begins with “ichi-ni-san!” (one-two-three!) and everybody jumps up (even the top executives!) to participate in ten minutes of vigorous stretching and callisthenics. The Japanese believe this builds teamwork and keeps their workers healthy, and they are probably not wrong! 

Adopting a practice like rajio taiso in the modern global workplace might have sounded far-fetched at one time, but not so much any more. These days more and more companies are taking the physical and mental well-being of their workforce seriously, with many now offering regular health checks for employees onsite for convenience and to ensure everyone can take part. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that employees who are healthy (and happy!) are more productive, so helping them to achieve those goals is in everyone’s best interests.

While it might be unlikely that your office is going to adopt an organized radio exercise fitness program (even if they should) that doesn’t mean you can’t arrange for your own rajio taiso, either by yourself, or preferably with your co-workers! The routine can be found around the internet (in English!) if you actually want to listen to the original, but even if that’s not an option you can still do the exercises. Shall we give it a try? 


  1. Rotate and stretch your arms. Raise them over your head by stretching them outward from your sides to the front, stretch your back, and then let your arms return sideways in a half circle to your sides.
  2. Cross your arms in front of you at chest level, then bend your legs up and down while swinging your arms up and down like pendulums. 
  3.  Rotate your arms by swinging them in full circles to the outside and then inside.
  4.  Lean backwards with your chest thrust out, spread your legs shoulder wide, swing your arms then stretch your chest with an inward breath.
  5. Bend your body sideways by lifting one arm over your head, return the arm to your side and straighten back up, then repeat on the other side.
  6. Bend your body back and forth by first bending forward to touch the ground 3 times, return your hands to your waist then do a backbend, followed by returning to a straight standing position.
  7. Swing your arms while twisting your body, to the left then to the right.
  8.  Stretch your arms up and down by first placing your hands on your shoulders with your legs spread, then reaching over your head. Repeat.

There are more, but we are out of the room today! I hope this is enough to get you started! Taking a nod from the Japanese, other countries are beginning to take worker health seriously. Have a look at the promising things the Australian government has to say on the subject.
