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As you enter a new year, many seek ways to refresh and renew yourselves. In this article, you will explore why switching up your look is important. We will provide five ways to switch up your look this year and offer tips on how to find the best look for you.
Reasons To Get a New Look
Have you ever gotten a haircut and suddenly felt so much more confident? Now that doesn’t mean that your hair didn’t look great before; it just means that change is exciting and makes you feel good. You are excited not just to see yourself with a different view but also to see how other people react.
It would be best never to stick with the same look every year. You might not realize it, but these small changes can excite your life. Besides, you’ll never find your perfect look if you don’t experiment. Try out different colors or wardrobe pieces daily and see how they make you feel. With this trial and error, you might find a perfect, top-to-down look.
Personality Change
Yes, what you wear and how you dress affect your personality. A red dress makes you feel fiery, or a yellow dress might make you happier. When you’re looking for a mood change spic up your attire to see the results!
5 Ways to Switch Up Your Look
Do you like to wear your hair down? Maybe you like it tied up. Do you prefer curls or a simple straight look? Have you had your hair in a high pony all last year? Time to let it down now.
Social media is always coming out with new trends for you to hop on. Social media influencers always give great tips and tricks for you to look out for. You will even have the fun of following an exciting new trend, but you’ll also be researching to find something new that works great for you.
Maybe you’re someone who wears makeup religiously or someone who saves it for a special occasion. Just move away from your daily makeup look and add something exciting. If you’ve used nudes all your life, try out some dark red shades for your lips. Maybe a shimmery eyeliner could be your new statement piece! Either way, it’s a great time to go to the beauty bar and try something new.
The same clothes don’t look the same on everybody. The same dress may look different on different body types. Similarly, the same colors look different on different body shades.
Let’s say you have a rectangular body shape. With a rectangular figure, you may benefit from the illusion of a waist. You can create this by wearing belts or loose dresses snitched up at the waist. Avoid long straight jackets because they might look unflattering.
Accessories are generally the biggest way people try to spice up their look. Maybe it’s a new bag, hat, or even a necklace., and people enjoy having statement pieces that are unique to themselves.
So, you have poor eyesight? Now let’s use this disadvantage to your advantage. Did you know the type of glasses you choose can morph your frame or your face? If you have a slim face, you might benefit from cat eyeglasses that can give you the fox eye trend look. You may want to ditch your round glasses if you have a round face to maybe elongate your face somehow!
How To Find the Best Look for You
Yes, by now, you’re probably dying to know what look works best for you! that might be a long process, but you should always start with people or characters that inspire you. Yes, finding your unique set is cool too, but you can always find that by getting inspired by others and making it your own. Now it could be your favorite celebrity, a movie character, or even a friend.
Be Spontaneous
Sometimes you don’t need to put much thought into it. Be spontaneous because that’s so exciting! Do you have an outfit you always wanted to buy but never thought you would wear? Pull it off? Do it. Do it now. Buy it and wear it.
Color Matching
Now if you want to be precise, you will find the exact look that works for your body type and color! You all know the basic color wheel you learned in kindergarten, right? so, find your skin color and undertones, whether blue, pink, or yellow. Find the ones that work best with those colors, and you’ll find a look made for you.
Switching up your look is a fun and easy way to refresh and renew yourself. it can be quite energizing too! Whether it’s a new hairstyle, makeup look, or wardrobe, it can boost your confidence and make you feel brand new.