a person undergoing interrogation

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Although you might be a good person, you might get into trouble which results in an arrest. You might do something accidentally or not even do something criminal at all, yet still get accused. Being arrested is not ideal and can sometimes be life-limiting. You might get charged substantial fees or spend time in a cell for something that you didn’t do, which can impact your work and your mental health. 

Whether it is your teen that is arrested or yourself, it is essential to know the steps to take to ensure minimal penalty and time so that it is possible to return to everyday life as soon as possible.

Handcuffs Shackles Guilty – Free photo on Pixabay

Plead guilty if you did the offense

You are likely reading this post because you are not guilty of the offense the police are charging you for. But, if you are guilty, the best advice to take is to own up to it. The longer you lie to the judges and yourself, the worse the case can get. 

So, own up, share the true story, and see that your sentence is lighter. Or that the police are kinder to you. You can gain a lot of respect if you own up to the truth.

Seek financial help

Sometimes, the financial side of things can take a toll on someone’s life. Many criminal offenses can result in financial penalties. Whether or not you can afford to pay the fines, it isn’t ideal to have to pay off an issue that wasn’t your fault. Or, if it was, you might not be able to afford the entire payment upfront. 

There are a lot of different services that you can use to attain financial help for criminal fees. For instance, by acquiring help from Future Bail Bonds services, you can seek support no matter what time of day an arrest happens or whether or not you are guilty.. This help will be ideal for those who cannot afford to pay the bail fees for the criminal case immediately. Instead, you will be able to pay the bail bonds back in manageable payments. 

Remain calm 

When an arrest happens (no matter if you have committed the crime or not), it is common for the individual to panic. When you are accused of something and told you are being taken to court, the brain will go into defense mode and be on high alert. You might do something wrong in this case, which can knock on your case results. It might make matters worse. Or, you might cause yourself unnecessary stress.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to stay calm. Remaining calm in such situations will ensure that you can maintain a focused mind and take the proper steps to earn the best outcome for your arrest. 

Likewise, remaining calm if a loved one is arrested will ensure they do not feel more stressed. Plus, you might be the calmer one in the situation whereby you can take the proper steps for them to get the best results for their case. 

The right to remain silent

Whether you have committed the offense or not, it is often best to remain silent. You have the right to do so if you have nothing to say. If you speak up out of panic or because you want to defend yourself (especially if you are not guilty), you might say something that makes your case worse.

Exercising your right to remain silent can benefit you in the long run and ensure you do not worsen your case.

Be polite

Even if the police officer dealing with your case is rude or aggressive, do not stoop to their level. Being polite will benefit you as much as remaining silent. 

The politer you are, the kinder the judge/officers might be. It’s essential to try and make the judges/officers like you so that they do not make the issue worse for you. They will not want to help you if you are rude or aggressive.

Get legal support

When you are arrested and accused of committing a crime, a lawyer will be your best aid and support system to ensure you get the best results for your case. A lawyer can help you seek financial aid and fight your side to get the best results. 

A lawyer will encourage you to exercise your right to remain silent. Doing so will ensure you do not say anything to worsen your issue. Plus, it gives them more time and room to speak on your behalf to win your case / the best outcome possible. 

For those that cannot afford a lawyer, there are lawyers around that will help you for free. The deal will be to pay them back when you have the funds. Paying back in future installments will be an investment worth taking to ensure you get the right legal support to lead you through your trial. Without legal support, you could end up doing time or spending money on a case that you are not guilty of. 

Be honest with your lawyer

If you are not honest with your lawyer, they might not be able to help you as much as you need them to. The more honest you are with your lawyer, the more they can adjust your statement to get you the best results. 

Being honest with your lawyer and giving them accurate information will help them write up a good defense, which will help reduce your sentence/penalties. It can be scary to admit the truth or open up to someone you do not know. However, they are experts in their field and know what to do to ensure you attain the best outcome. Therefore, the more honest you are, the better you will feel, and your results will be. If you are dishonest, this could also go against their practices and hinder their career. 

Don’t miss the dates

When you are arrested, it is common to have a court case to find out whether you will be charged. A court case will involve a set a date for you to attend court. You might also be asked to participate in other dates for hearings and more. Whenever you are sent a date, make sure to attend. If you cannot attend for personal reasons, you must immediately let the court know. 

If you do not attend the court case or other dates, that can be an offense. Hence, you will worsen the issue and put the law against you. 

If you do not have the time or funds.To attend these court case dates, you should inform your lawyer. They will help you tell your work or help you find the funds to attend the court cases. For instance, if you don’t drive and cannot afford the transportation to get to the court, the lawyer will help you attain the funds so that you can get to your trial and not make matters worse for yourself. 

Don’t plead guilty if you are not guilty

I’m not guilty, you need to make sure you do not plead guilty. The same advice goes for those trying to help a loved one who has been arrested. Judges and officers will often encourage you to plead guilty so that they can finalize a case quicker. However, this is not going to help you and will end up with you getting into trouble for something that you did not do. You shouldn’t spend time in jail or spend money on penalty fees for an issue that wasn’t your fault. 

Therefore, never be encouraged or influenced to plead guilty. Even if your sentence is shorter or your fees are reduced, it won’t help you in the long run. Eventually, the law will see that you’re not guilty, and your case and penalties will be illuminated.

Change your path going forward

Once the court case is over and the result is finalized, you or your loved one needs to change your path. If the crime were an accident, it wouldn’t be much of an issue to have to change your outlook on life. You won’t be in the wrong mindset like those who committed a crime on purpose.

For those who committed a crime on purpose, it’s essential to change your path. Revising your outlook and attitude toward life will ensure you do not get in trouble again. Committing crimes isn’t funny. It can put yourself and others at risk. Hence, the better attitude you have, the less likely you will harm yourself and others and get into trouble in the future.

Using these tips, you should be able to deal with it in a rest a lot easier, whether or not it was your issue/fault. You’re helping a loved one that has commited a crime, ensure to be there for them, get them the proper legal support, and help them to remain calm. Exercise these practices too, and the right to remain silent to attain the best outcome for your case.