Adults with braces have to be extra careful when it comes to their oral hygiene. Many adults wear braces to correct their smile and improve their oral health. However, wearing braces can be challenging, especially when keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
Here are six tips helpful tips to help you maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces as an adult.
1. Brush Your Teeth After Every Meal
This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy while you have braces. Brushing your teeth after every meal is essential to remove any food particles or debris that may be stuck in your braces. You should also floss your teeth at least once a day to remove any plaque or bacteria that may be trapped in your braces.
If you are unsure of how to brush and floss your teeth with braces properly, you should ask your orthodontist for guidance. They will be able to show you the proper way to brush and floss your teeth so that you can avoid any harmful oral health problems.
2. Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods
Avoiding sticky and hard foods is also important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy while you have braces. Sticky foods can easily get stuck in your braces and be difficult to remove. Hard foods can also damage your braces or cause them to become loose. If you do eat sticky or hard foods, it is essential to brush your teeth immediately afterward to remove any food particles that may be stuck in your braces.
Many orthodontists also recommend avoiding chewing gum while you have braces, as it can be challenging to remove from your braces and can cause tooth decay.
3. Quit Smoking
Smoking is not only bad for your overall health, but it can also cause several oral health problems.
Smoking can discolor your teeth and cause gum disease. If you smoke while wearing braces, you are more likely to develop staining and plaque buildup on your teeth.
Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your oral health, especially if you have braces. If you have difficulty quitting smoking, several resources are available to help you quit.
4. Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly
It is essential to visit your orthodontist in Bergen County, NJ, or wherever you’re located, regularly. Your orthodontist will spot any problems and help you continue your journey to straighter teeth. They can also give tips on properly caring for your teeth and gums while you have braces.
5. Wear a Mouthguard
If you participate in any physical activities, it is essential to wear a mouthguard. A mouthguard will protect your teeth and gums from injury if you should happen to fall or receive a blow to the mouth.
You can purchase a mouthguard at most sporting goods stores or online. It is important to ensure that your mouthguard fits properly so that it does not damage your braces.
6. Be Patient
Wearing braces can be a challenge, but it is essential to be patient. It may take some time to get used to wearing braces, but once you do, you will be on your way to having a beautiful, healthy smile.
Be sure to follow all of your orthodontist’s instructions and attend all of your scheduled appointments. If you do, you will be on your way to achieving the smile of your dreams.
These are just a few tips to help keep your teeth and gums healthy while you have braces. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your orthodontist. They will be able to give you specific instructions on how to care for your teeth and gums while you have braces. With a little effort, you can have a healthy, beautiful smile that you can be proud of.