a woman reading a document

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You may think that just because you’re a small business, you don’t need to bother with issues that larger businesses do. You’re not as in the spotlight, so trouble isn’t going to come your way as often. Well, a business of any size can break the law, and it could very well mean the end for your business. Not all laws are broken intentionally, and when you’re not an expert on the law that surrounds your business, it can be quite easy to break it. That means that you’re going to need someone else to advise you and help you to avoid crossing that line.


You’re not always going to make the best decisions, and sometimes employees or customers are going to have complaints or issues with your business, that they may decide to take to the law. If an employee believes they were treated unfairly when working with you, a lawyer like you might find at Manfred Sternberg & Associates, can help to defend you and prevent damage to your business.

This can happen at any time, and it could be due to an error on your part, or a former employee is looking to make trouble out of something that never happened. In any case, you’ll want to make sure you’re covered by someone to not make the situation any worse than it is.

Creating contracts

If you’re going to enter a legal agreement with a third party, then you want to make sure the contract you create details everything you want and need. Whether you’re creating a contract for future employees, or another business to enter a deal – you want the help of a legal expert. You’re not going to be able to create a proper legal document such as a contract without someone who understands what needs to be written and included for things to go how you want them to.

A contract means nothing if loopholes are easily found or made in it, so you have to be very careful when trying to create one for your business.


Starting decisions

Even before you’ve started your business, a legal expert can be very useful to you. If you have no prior experience in running a business or handling something like this, you might not be too familiar with how you can own your business. You can own it with all of the liability falling on yourself, or you can share that with another form of ownership. Some business owners might not be clear on the rules of a partnership, and it can be hard to understand without the help of an expert.

If you later decide you no longer want to work with your partner, you might be surprised that simply excluding them isn’t a legal possibility, as they share ownership of the business with you. Even if the idea was all yours, you’re now only partly responsible for the business, and not fully in charge of how everything goes.