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Photo by Monoar Rahman:

Text messaging remains a common form of communication people use to talk with friends, family, and even for work. However, more businesses recognize how text marketing can help them succeed and reach more people. Make sure you look into a text marketing strategy and understand why it matters to your business to help you develop and improve your marketing efforts.

Get Quicker Responses

When you use text message marketing, you can get quick responses from your customers. For example, if you want to ask a question and get information, you can do so through a text message. Since the text will go straight to a phone, an employee can easily get the text and respond when you need to talk with them.

Text messages matter even more since most people keep their phones near them at all times. They will get a notification and can respond to your business within a few seconds depending on the circumstances. They also don’t intrude on customers since they can check the texts on their own time.

Offer Better Customer Support

When you take advantage of text marketing, you can use it to address customer service. Doing so means you can have customers send their questions to your company and reply to their questions with a quick response. The process makes it easy for your business to collect feedback, address problems and help the customers however you can.

With a large range of business texting services available, you can make your customers happy and offer great service. On top of this, you can send them updates about their purchases, so you keep them informed. You can always customize and adjust the customer service efforts to keep your customers happy with you.

Improve Your Open Rate

Many businesses use text marketing since they can improve their open rates when they message customers. For example, emails don’t have the best open rates since customers may overlook emails, miss them or ignore them. However, if you send text messages to your customers, they’ll easily get the texts and open them to see what your business said.

Not only that, but most people will open text messages within a short period of receiving them. You can get people opening your texts within a few seconds and some doing so in a few minutes. With such a high open rate, you increase your odds of getting your customers to act.

Make Channel Integration Easier

Some businesses will take advantage of text marketing by integrating other channels with it. The process allows people to use text messages to access other channels your business focuses on to make sales. For example, the text can redirect them to a website or even your social media page, so you gain more traffic and attention.

Integrating your channels allows you to offer more information to your customers. As they see what you offer, they become more invested in your business and want to make purchases. However, you can’t do this if you don’t know how to get them to your channels, so use text messaging as a connecting point.

Avoid Cancelled Appointments and Secure More Sales

On top of contacting your customers, you can also avoid canceled appointments when you send text messages to them. You can use automated texting to send these messages 24 hours before the upcoming appointment. That way, you can remind customers about appointments while giving them a chance to confirm the appointment, so you know they plan to go to it.

On top of this, you can send reminders to your customers about upcoming sales or products they want to buy. For example, if they place any items into an online cart, you can send them reminders about those items. Doing so will encourage them to make the purchase from you.


Text marketing strategies allow your business to communicate with customers and get them to talk with your business. As you focus on the strategies available and develop them, you allow your business to appeal to your various customers. Make sure you identify effective ways to utilize text messaging to improve your business, help you reach more people and identify ways to take advantage of various technology.