5 Reasons Physical Therapy Can Help With Foot Issues

When you think of physical therapy, images of long, hard sessions bound to produce results come to mind. The truth is that physical therapy can be used for more than just recovery from injury. The benefits of using it for both short- and long-term goals are so great that it’s a wonder why it’s such an uncommon practice. Physical therapy can help restore function and mobility in many patients. From arthritis and lower back pain to migraine headaches and fibromyalgia, there are many different reasons why a patient might turn to a therapist for help. Here are five good reasons why you should consider seeing a therapist if you have foot problems.

It Can Help Treat Chronic Pain

If you have been hurting for months or years and have yet to find a doctor who can help, you have likely developed a chronic pain condition. In many cases, this pain can be incredibly frustrating and incapacitating. Physical therapy can help treat chronic pain by improving your ability to manage and prevent it from getting worse. In many cases, this is easier said than done. Many people find that the best treatment for chronic pain is an A+ diet of rest, ice, and elevation. Many people also find that physical therapy is the best treatment for chronic pain when coupled with an effective painkiller.

It Can Help Re-Gain Mobility

Back and joint pain can be a huge bummer, but they also have the potential to significantly limit your mobility. To regain mobility and increase your range of motion, you’ll need to focus on your weakest muscles. This is where physical therapy comes into the picture. By targeting the tight muscles, you can regain some of your mobility and gain back some of the range of motion you had before the injury. Make sure to book an appointment as soon as you start experiencing symptoms. Because muscle spasms can come back after treatment is over, you don’t want to wait a week or two before you see a professional. However, if you are experiencing foot drop, a therapist may recommend using an afo brace.

It Can Provide Relief From Muscle Spasms and Strain

You’re probably trying to protect your muscle if you’ve been experiencing muscle spasms or tightenings. But sometimes, this is a bad idea. When you’re in pain, you’re racked with anxiety and want to do everything possible to avoid hurting yourself. This includes tensing and holding your muscles so that you don’t accidentally hurt yourself. It’s also possible that your tight muscles are just holding you back. Give your muscles some space so that you can feel free to move them when you’re ready. Physical therapy can help with both short- and long-term goals and can even be used as a preventative measure. But, to get the most out of it, make an appointment as soon as you experience symptoms. Muscle spasms and a strengthening stretching routine.

It Can Increase Circulation and Strengthen Muscles

Most people tend to love and engage in sports. But after a certain age, you start to develop muscle restrictions and tightness in your joints. When you have osteoarthritis (OA), this can lead to a lot of pain. And even though medication can help with some of the spasms, it doesn’t address the cause. Physical therapy can help with both short- and long-term goals. By targeting areas of muscle tightness, therapy can help increase mobility and strengthen your muscles.

It Can Prevent Further Damage

Don’t try to do too much just yet. Overdoing it can do more harm than good. As your physical therapy treatment plan develops, you’ll want to make sure to stay on top of your progress. But for now, just be careful. Physical therapy can help prevent further damage. This can prevent you from doing things that might have caused the damage in the first place. For example, physical therapy can help treat muscle spasms and strain. But, it can also be used as a preventative measure. If you’re experiencing lower back or hip pain, check in with your therapist to make sure you’re doing okay. They may have recommendations for preventing further damage.


Physical therapy can help treat a wide variety of conditions and symptoms. Whether you choose to go to therapy for the long term or just for the short term, the benefits are huge. Whether you suffer from foot problems for a short time or for years on end, physical therapy can help.