Whether it is your parents or perhaps another aging family member, there may come a time when you realize they need greater care than you alone can provide. Although this is always a difficult subject to discuss, doing so can ultimately lead to a much better quality of life for you and especially your loved ones. If you are contemplating having such a discussion but are still unsure if you are doing the right thing, here are four signs that indicate it’s time to seek out supportive care for your loved ones.
Declining Personal Hygiene
In many instances, one of the first signs that loved ones are in need of supportive care is declining personal hygiene. If your loved one used to take a daily shower but is now doing so much more infrequently, this can indicate they are having a harder time getting in and out of their shower safely.
Cognitive Changes
While it’s perfectly normal for all of us who get older to forget things now and then, certain changes in cognitive skills can indicate a greater problem may exist. For example, if your loved one now has difficulty remembering how to get to places that should be very familiar to them, in-home senior care may be necessary. Along with offering companion care during the daytime hours, these specialized caregivers can also provide overnight supervision if needed, giving you tremendous peace of mind.
Concerns about Their Safety
If you now have growing concerns about your loved ones perhaps falling and severely injuring themselves with no one around to help them, it is definitely time to seek out supportive care services. Unfortunately, many seniors die annually from falls. By being proactive about seeking out supportive services, you can hopefully help your loved ones avoid an unnecessary tragedy.
You are Suffering Burnout
While you certainly want to do all you can to help your loved ones, remember that you are only one person. Even if you have the best of intentions towards your parents or other loved ones, you cannot be available 24/7. Should you be feeling burned out from your caregiving duties and are suffering from physical, mental, and perhaps emotional exhaustion, it’s time to ask for help and put your trust in professional caregivers who are able to give your loved ones the care they need and deserve.
Though it may initially be a tough transition period, finding supportive care professionals you can trust will help your loved ones as well as yourself have much happier lives. So keep a close eye on them, and take the necessary steps if needed. Help them know that it’s okay to ask for help.