There’s no better feeling that can surpass that of carrying an unborn baby. For instance, it gets even more exciting to know the sex of your baby. Some families may decide to carry out tests to determine the sex, while others may opt to wait until the baby is born. In some cases, finding out the sex of the baby is a medical requirement, especially when the family has a history of gender-based genetic diseases.
There are several medical tests you can use to learn the sex of your unborn baby. They include:
• Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, NIPT
NIPT is a method that tests the likelihood of any genetic abnormalities during the first trimester. The test is safe, and it’s risk-free. Usually, it detects Down syndrome in pregnancies and can also show the baby’s sex.
• Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the commonly used method to determine the sex of the baby. Fortunately, it is the most low-risk method, and doctors recommend the scan to be conducted between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy to get accurate results.
• Amniocentesis
Amniocentesis is another method of detecting genetic abnormalities and a baby’s sex using amniotic fluid. Consequently, it’s usually an invasive method if the pregnancy is high risk.
• Chorionic Villus Sampling, CVS
CVS test uses a placenta sample to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and Down syndrome. Also, it can determine the sex of the baby as early as ten weeks of pregnancy.
• Preimplantation Genetic Testing, PGT
In some countries, it’s legal to select the sex of the baby you would like to have by undergoing IVF. The method involves embryo production in the lab. The implantation of the embryos of the chosen sex then takes place.
Reasons Why You Should Know the Sex of Your Baby
1. For Early Bonding
Most new parents would like to start bonding with their babies early before their arrival. Bonding with your little ones will make you feel closer to them, giving you an easy time to cope with new parental responsibilities once they are born.
2. To Look for Names Early
Many parents would like to give their babies unique and special names. Sometimes, getting these names can be a tedious task that needs time. Therefore, knowing your baby’s sex on time will give you ample time to do your research.
3. For Shopping Purposes
It’s annoying and frustrating to shop for a baby boy only to find yourself giving birth to a baby girl. Consider doing an ultrasound to avoid money wastage. If you are uncomfortable with ultrasound and would like the baby’s sex to be a surprise, consider shopping at Baby Riddle, a famous children’s boutique selling high-quality and unique baby items, including the best gender neutral newborn clothes.
4. For Party Planning
Gender reveal parties or baby showers are a popular way of sharing the good news with your family, friends, and colleagues. Some people don’t like surprises, so you should have a party to inform them earlier.
5. Curiosity
Nine months can be a long period for some people to wait until they know the gender of their unborn baby. So, if you are anxious to know your baby’s sex, consider using any of the methods mentioned above.
Reasons Why You Should Wait
1. To Avoid Disappointments
Gender disappointment sometimes can be an authentic experience and can negatively affect some parents. Parents with gender preferences should wait until the baby is born. If they find out that the unborn baby is not their preference, the mother can be negatively affected, endangering the unborn baby’s life.
2. To Prevent Sexual Stereotyping
Some parents complain that if they get to know the gender of their baby, they find themselves shopping for that specific sex. They may have very high expectations. For instance, if the baby is a girl, she will be such a princess, but who knows what the baby will genuinely be until she’s born? So, wait to avoid such speculations.
3. The Ultrasound Can Sometimes Give the Wrong Sex
Ultrasound can sometimes give the wrong sex reveal. In recent years, the number of errors has kept dropping, but there’s still some possibility of errors. It can be depressing giving birth to an opposite-sex baby, the baby you eagerly waited for for nine months. To avoid such a situation, wait till the end of the pregnancy journey.
4. Cultural and Religious Beliefs
Some cultures and religions do not allow gender reveal until the baby is born. They believe it’s bad luck to know the sex since you will be interfering with God’s plan.
It’s normal to be curious about your unborn baby’s gender. However, the baby’s health and the mother’s is the ultimate goal. About 80% + of women do the above tests to know the sex of their babies. Remember, it’s equally important to have a healthy nutrition routine during pregnancy, monitor your fluid consumption, and stay active throughout the pregnancy period. And the only way to be 100% sure of the baby’s gender is to wait until the baby is born.