When getting a new construction project up and running it can be a complex and time consuming matter. Ultimately all due processes have to be followed to ensure safe working conditions, high quality work and that your construction company’s reputation is upheld. Fortunately there is a lot of guidance and lists of best practices that you can follow when setting up your construction site. Here are some of the things to consider when working on and setting up a construction site.
Ensure a safe parameter is in place
A clearly defined safe zone is one of the most important things you can do when ensuring the safety of your construction site. This zone should protect both staff and members of the public. Your parameters will need to be defined by way of fencing to protect unauthorized access and establish clear boundaries. You also ensure that there is ample space between the construction site and public walkways and land. Not only should your safe zone be adequately ring fenced, it is a good idea to ensure that you have appropriate signage in place. These signs should provide all of the necessary information to workers and members of the public, no matter how obvious it may seem.
Photo credit Yuri Kim From Pexels
Source all the equipment you need
Of course your construction project will need the right tools for the job and these tools should be identified as early on in the process as possible. Early identification will help you to avoid delays in obtaining equipment which could result in overall project delays. The construction equipment you require could be anything from sourcing steel erection companies to ensuring you have ample amounts of personal protective equipment (PPE) for your staff. Providing adequate PPE for all members of staff is as important as having the physical right tools for the job as without it you will not be meeting the health and safety requirements expected of your construction site. So, be sure not to overlook your PPE stocks.
Don’t forget the paperwork
Administration may be your least favorite part of the job but it is unavoidable in any construction business. Chances are you will need reports, surveys, contracts, permits, health and safety publications and so on. All of this documentation should be in place and on hand should you ever need it. It is also important to remember that the use or handling of some machinery or equipment may require certain certification, so be sure to have all of your workers qualifications and certificates up to date and on file should they be needed.
Finally, some of this paperwork will need to be displayed on site. It could be by way of health and safety information, emergency procedures or insurance or permitting certificates. Think carefully about what your workforce may need to assist them with their day to day workload and what is required of you when working on and running a construction site.