Photo by Binyamin Mellish on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/lighted-beige-house-1396132/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
Have you ever taken a stroll down the street and thought to yourself, “Oh my gosh, what a beautiful house,” or something along those lines? Well, it’s usually because of things like landscaping, color schemes, architectural details, etc.
What is home curb appeal exactly? It’s the way a house looks from the public right-of-way (e.g., sidewalk) that causes passersby to stop and take notice, enticing them to come inside for a closer look. In other words: land use for public enjoyment.
Here Are 7 Effective Ways To Enhance Your Home Curb Appeal Today!
- Paint The Exterior Of Your House In A Popular Color
Homeowners often think that adding new shutters or building a pergola will increase curb appeal, but painting the exterior of your home is one of the best ways to enhance its appearance. Whether you choose to paint your home in one solid color or an accent wall with two contrasting colors, this simple upgrade can have a dramatic impact on how people react when they pull up to your house.
- Plant Flowers Around Your House
A well-manicured lawn is essential for making the exterior of your home appear more appealing, but planting flowers in beds near the front porch and along the walkway can also help boost its curb appeal. Not only will you be able to enjoy colorful blossoms every season, but you will find that they attract bees and butterflies, which can drastically increase property value. Consider investing in an automatic sprinkler system if you don’t have a green thumb or want to save yourself time watering plants throughout the summer months.
- Make Sure Your Front Door Is In Good Condition.
If you want people to assume that your entire home is well-maintained, you will need to make sure that your front door presents an inviting appearance. Hinges can become loose over time, making it difficult for the door to stay open. If yours does not remain open by itself, install new weather stripping around the edges of the door. This simple fix usually only costs a few dollars and creates the illusion of a properly functioning entryway.
- Ensure Roofs Are In Good Condition
Roofs are responsible for protecting the interior of your home from water damage, so it is important to hire a professional aluminum roofing contractor so that your roof appears not only sturdy but also looks appealing. If you notice missing shingles or faded paint around the roofline, get rid of them as soon as possible. These small problems can quickly get out of control and reduce the value of your house.
Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels
- Fix Broken Or Peeling Paint On Siding And Shutters
Paint is often one of the first things that potential buyers see when they pull up to your house. If yours is peeling or chipped, people will assume that your home has been neglected and may even feel deterred from continuing with a purchase.
To avoid sending out this negative message, set aside a few hours every week in the spring and summer months to fix problem areas in your exterior paint before they become a serious issue.
- Clean Out The Gutters
Gutters need to be cleaned regularly in order to prevent water damage and other issues from occurring throughout your home, so make sure you get rid of all debris at least twice per year. In addition to giving off a clean appearance, this also sends a message to potential buyers that you have been proactive about maintaining your property.
- Install An Outdoor Security Camera System
To prevent burglars from attempting to break into your home while you are away, install an outdoor security camera system near your front door or other entrances. You may have one already installed inside, but thieves are likely to try and enter through less obvious entrances.