We are living in a time where learning how to code is more important than ever. With the increased demand for software developers, many jobs are available that require coding skills. One of the most popular ways to code is through online platforms like Udemy or Codecademy. These websites offer video tutorials and interactive exercises that allow students to learn at their own pace. In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to find an alternative method for teaching yourself how to code without having access to a traditional classroom setting.
Join a Local Code Community
Many different communities exist on the internet for people who want to learn how to code, and believe it or not, some of them even happen offline. You can find these kinds of groups through Meetup or Facebook events. These online meetups usually consist of people from all walks of life with one common interest: learning how to code. This kind of setting allows those interested in coding an opportunity to familiarize themselves with other like-minded individuals and share knowledge and resources they may already have related to programming languages such as Python, Javascript, and PHP.
For instance, if you attend a Java coding event in the community and take up a java course, you could ask someone at the meetup for assistance or even try setting up an online tutorial of your very own through Google Slides and share it with interested people. This type of open source knowledge sharing will allow others access to information they might not otherwise have had without attending local events like Meetups or joining Facebook groups.
Set Up A Tutorial
If you are motivated to learn how to code, setting up a tutorial of your very own may be the best way for you to go. There are many different ways that individuals have gone about doing this. They all end with the same result: an online space where people can easily access information related to coding languages. For example, if you’re interested in learning Python, then creating tutorials on sites like Codecademy or Lynda .com will allow other people from around the world to gain access as long as they have an internet connection.
The great thing about these types of websites is that once created; It requires minimal upkeep since most users only come back when seeking new knowledge or help with something they struggle with. However, just like the Meetups, if you set up tutorials for things not relevant to your knowledge, it might be difficult for people to follow along or even understand what’s happening.
Attend Code Boot Camps
If you’re looking for a more traditional classroom setting for learning how to code, Meetups are a great option. Usually hosted by local software engineers or tech entrepreneurs, these events usually involve a coding language or tool presentation and then a Q&A afterward. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from others and make connections with people who might be able to help you out in the future! In addition, most major metropolitan areas have at least one Code Retreat every quarter, which is another great way to get started with your coding journey.
When attending any event related to learning how to code, always come prepared. That means having questions ready that you want to be answered and being respectful of everyone.
Usually lasting anywhere from one to two weeks, these boot camps provide an intense introduction to various coding languages and tools. In addition, most camps will also offer career services such as resume reviews and help with finding job opportunities. The return on investment is well worth it since many employers actively seek out graduates of these programs for code boot camps.
Do your research before committing to a Code Camp like anything else in life. Many different options are available, and not all of them are created equal. That means reading reviews, talking to friends who have attended similar programs, and understanding what is included in the cost before signing up.
Utilize Local Resources
Even if you’re not able to attend a full-fledged Code Camp, it’s still possible for you to learn how to code! Whether that means taking free online courses, attending meetups and conferences, or simply practicing on your own – all of these resources are readily available, which means there isn’t an excuse as to why you can’t start learning. If anything else, remember that making a concerted effort towards becoming a software engineer outside of the traditional classroom setting is the only limit to truly becoming yourself.
There are many different ways for you to do so without stepping foot inside of a classroom. With just a little bit of creativity and self-discipline, you’ll be well on your way towards becoming a software engineer in no time at all.