Getting a call from your teenager that they have been involved in a car accident can be terrifying. A lot may be going through your mind, such as the extent of their injuries and whether they are safe. However, it is important to stay calm and think of the steps to take to ensure that your teenager is safe. Below is a list of things to do when your teenager is involved in a car accident.
1. Guide Them to Safety
When you get a call from your teenager that they have been involved in a car accident, your first question should be whether they are okay. If yes, proceed by asking them the exact place the accident has taken place. Be keen when listening as they may still be in shock and be confused when trying to understand their situation. If your teen tells you that they are on a highway and can still move the car, ask them to drive off the road to a safe place. If the vehicle cannot be moved, but they can move, tell them to put on the hazard and get out of the car to a safe place.
2. Call the Police
You are legally required to report any accidents to the police. When the police have such records, filing any legal claim becomes an easy process. If you are in Orlando, filing Orlando traffic accident reports should be your next step. You should also make sure to call emergency medical respondents to the scene even if there aren’t any visual injuries as there may be internal bleeding.
3. Call Your Auto Insurance Company
Your auto insurance company must be up to speed on the accident. It would be best if you told them this immediately so that they can commence processing your claim in good time. If the company has an adjuster at their disposal, they may send them to check on the cause of the accident and the extent of your damage. Car accidents are among the leading cause of fatalities and teenage injuries in the United States. Since most of these teenagers are likely to succumb to risk-taking adventures that may cause accidents, the adjusters are sent to verify such. From the reports made, they get to determine whether they are deserving of the insurance claim. You also need to make the call when your teenager is listening because there are some follow-up questions that you may need them to answer.
4. Take Photos
You may need photo evidence of the accident scenes. As such, even without the adjuster, you can send the photos to your insurance company and file a claim. The photos will again come in handy if you decide to hold legal proceedings against the other driver, especially if you are to file for compensation.
As a parent, you may find that driving your kids everywhere can be exhausting. As such, the idea of your children chauffeuring themselves may be an idea you may want to jump on. The need for self-independence is something that most teenagers always yearn for. You are constantly worried about their safety despite the benefits you accrue as a parent when this responsibility gets lifted. Knowing your teen has been involved in a car accident can be traumatizing. However, the above information can guide you in understanding what to do in such a situation.