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Thanks to the pandemic and the increased time spent indoors, a lot of people have let their health slide. Now that things have begun to return to normal starting a new fitness plan can be one of the best things that you can do for your health. Getting started on your fitness journey doesn’t have to be difficult; read on for all the information you need to make a lifestyle change.
Assess Your Current Fitness Level
Before you can start on your fitness journey, you should assess how fit you are. This then provides a better idea of what your goals should be, and it gives you something to measure your progress by. Do some basic fitness tests and record the results.
Design Your Fitness Program
Once you have a better idea of your fitness baseline, you can begin to come up with a fitness program. When creating your plan, there are several things that you should consider. Firstly, what are your goals? For example, do you want to lose weight, improve your overall fitness or are you working towards something like a marathon?
When you have decided on your goals, you can begin to create a routine to work towards them. Try to keep your routine varied, including both cardio and weight training. It is also recommended that you work out 3 to 4 times a week. It may also be worth trying to come up with a food plan to accompany your exercise. Things like supplements or protein shakes can help you to work towards your fitness goals. Becomeio has a range of protein products, including hydrolized whey protein; they also have a number of other resources on their site that can help your progress.
Once you have your plan in place, it is important that you start slowly; doing too much too soon can lead to injury. Also, finding the time to exercise can be difficult, and if that is something that you struggle with, you may want to try and find ways to build activity into your daily routine. For example, walk instead of driving, do home workouts when you have a spare minute.
Lastly, it is important to also build in time for recovery. Although, as mentioned above, doing too much can lead to injury, if you approach your plan with too much zeal, you risk burnout. Therefore, when planning your schedule, it is important to also find the time to rest and let your body recover between sessions.
Get Your Equipment Together
Whether you are working out at a gym or at home, there are a few things you will need. Firstly, some athletic shoes, try to pick shoes that are designed for the exercises that you want to do. If you are working out at the gym, then you don’t really need to invest in any other pieces of equipment. However, if you are working out at home, then it is your choice; there are hundreds of thousands if not more workout videos online that you can access for free, or you can invest in some high-quality exercise equipment.
Get Started
With all the above nailed down, you are ready for action. As you begin to commit to your program, there are a few things that you should bear in mind: You do not have to get all of your exercises done in one go, shorter sessions have their benefits too, and they might fit better into your day. Be creative with your workouts; if you cycle in the gym on a stationary bike, why not go for a bike ride with your family. Workouts can be social too. Find activities to make sure that you enjoy your fitness routine. Lastly, be flexible – give yourself permission to take a couple of days off if you need to – it won’t hinder your progress.
Track Your Progress
In order to measure the efficacy of your program, you should track your progress. Retake the initial fitness tests that you took at the start of your journey at regular intervals. You may notice that your fitness increases initially, but then it begins to plateau, in which case you need to rework your plan to ensure that you are continually making progress towards your fitness goals. If you find yourself losing motivation or getting bored, then set a new goal or try a new activity. Working out with a friend can help, too – it makes it more fun, and you have someone to hold you accountable.
In Conclusion
Beginning a fitness journey is not a decision to take lightly; it is important; it requires dedication and commitment. That being said, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming; by planning and making sure that you are prepared, you are giving yourself the best chance at success. Lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight, it takes hard work, but in doing so, you can establish healthier habits that last a lifetime.