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It is perfectly normal to expect past traumas to have some sort of impact on the way your future life shapes up but your attempts to come to terms with these challenges can also make you more susceptible to addiction problems if you find it difficult to cope.
Professional help is available via the best drug and alcohol rehab program in the nation, for instance, but it can also help to understand why it is that trauma can potentially lead you on a path to addiction.
What types of trauma make you most vulnerable to addiction?
When it comes to trying to evaluate the connection between trauma and addiction you might consider that certain types of distress are worse than others and could have a greater impact on your mental health and ability to cope.
However, it is often the case that experiencing any sort of trauma can have the same detrimental impact on your mental, physical and general wellbeing.
Whether you have had to cope with emotional or sexual abuse, domestic violence, an assault, or even a terminal illness, to give a few examples of trauma, the impact on your mental and physical health can be equally devastating.
In effect, experiencing and trying to survive any sort of trauma can lead to PTSD symptoms, and that can put you in danger of experiencing psychological and behavioral issues.
What sort of symptoms might you experience?
When you are subjected to a traumatic experience there are a number of typical symptoms that you might experience, any of which could be a strong pointer to suggest that you have been adversely impacted by trauma.
A noticeable change in your mood and experiencing mood swings or displaying erratic behavior can often be a sign of trauma.
You might also struggle to contain your emotions and you might become more fearful or nervous than normal.
If your eating habits change this can also be a reliable indicator of how you are struggling to come to terms with a traumatic event.
It is also often the case that your personal relationships and work performance might also deteriorate as a result of trauma.
In particular, if you experience a traumatic experience in your childhood this can make you especially vulnerable to the prospect of falling into addiction.
Trauma creates stress
It can help to have a good understanding of how trauma can affect your stress levels.
Your body reacts to trauma by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which are the exact same hormones that are induced when you go into the so-called fight or flight mode when presented with danger.
In effect, trauma serves to increase your levels of stress because your mind and body are reacting to a harmful event.
The problem with this response is that you can find yourself stuck in this scenario and unable to move on with your life after experiencing trauma. This is a critical point when some will turn to drugs or alcohol in order to try and find a way to cope with these ongoing feelings of stress.
The key is to recognize the symptoms and seek out professional help so that you have the best chance of drawing a line under your trauma and getting on with the rest of your life.