There may be fewer motorcycle crashes but in such a crash there are more serious physical injuries that affect the motorcyclist. This type of accident is likely to provide the worst complications to a legal case. There are four facts to know after you become involved in an accident.
The Mortality Rates Are High
Motorcyclists are several times more likely to die in crashes than automobile passengers are. Many of them do not wear helmets or seat belts, which increases the extent of injury to their bodies. As a result, head injuries are common, so visiting the hospital immediately after an accident is highly recommended. Since your medical bills are likely to cost a fortune, the next step is to review your motorcycle insurance policy to see if you’re adequately covered.
Recklessness Is the Most Common Cause
Negligence is the most likely reason why any accident occurs that involves a motorcycle, truck or any other vehicle. This occurs when the motorcyclist, driver or both occupants are not paying attention to what they’re doing. Speeding and distracted driving, which may include texting and alcohol consumption, are the most common reasons given.
Rider Errors Occur Frequently
Motorcyclists tend to overestimate their ability to drive fast and avoid a collision, so they are more likely to speed than the drivers of regular vehicles. Most motorcycle accidents are caused by rider errors that are entirely preventable, such as turning corners too quickly, speeding on slippery roads or cutting in and out of lanes too often. If you’re responsible for an accident, understand its causes because it may have been caused by your own errors.
Learn Your Rights
No matter whether you caused the accident yourself or not, know that you have access to legal resources. This includes the availability of an auto accident attorney who will answer any question that you have about filing a lawsuit, negotiating with the auto insurance company and getting compensated for your bills. First, the lawyer determines if your case is eligible for the courts and then reviews the evidence to calculate the right amount of compensation you deserve. Overall, you have a greater chance at success when you contact a lawyer after an accident.
The dangers of crashing in a motorcycle are extreme and life threatening. You have a wider range of problems to deal with physically, financially and legally. Every motorcyclist who’s involved in an accident must know the resources that they need to put into effect right away.