You may not have given much thought to what you’re going to do with the extra room in your house after your child moves out. However, once you get over the initial shock, many creative ideas may come to mind. We’re going to share with you four popular choices that parents make.
Guest Room
One great thing to do with your child’s old room is turn it into a guest room. This is especially helpful for households that don’t have any other guest rooms. Your child can enjoy staying there when they visit, or your parents may enjoy staying with you instead of in a hotel the next time that they visit. You can keep the bed in the room and put any other sentimental items or large, unnecessary furniture in a storage unit. A guest room is a great way to transition the room into a usable space without overly offending your child.
Workout Room
It may be cliche, but it is a good use of space to turn that extra room into a workout room for you and the rest of your family. If you have your exercise equipment out cluttering the rest of your house or even your garage, this bedroom is the perfect place to put it. Having it all in one place may also motivate you to actually get in there and do some exercises more often. Add a few fans and a small television mounted to the wall to make it the perfect place to get your daily workout in.
Home Office
If you or your spouse are one of many people who are forced to work from home due to the pandemic, then a home office may just be in order. Instead of trying to work in the living room or at the kitchen table, you can enjoy a nice comfortable desk and office chair. This will give you or your partner some personal space away from the rest of the household to concentrate on getting work done. This is a great option for those who find themselves constantly making phone calls throughout the day.
Hobby Room
We all develop hobbies over our lifetime. Instead of cramming all of your hobby items in a box or out in the corner of the garage, consider bringing your hobby room indoors. This will allow you the freedom to spread out your items and not have to constantly take them in and out of storage every time you want to work on your hobby.
Once your child strikes out on their own, you’re left with an empty room. After you’ve emotionally accepted that you’ll be dealing with an empty nest, it’s time to consider the possibilities of the room they left behind. The above are just four of the most popular options. However, there are many more.